-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hi! We are the «Freedom Fighters» team.
PART 2/5
Combined Lists: #hmwyda wishlist 1.31 Тони Олег Вильямсович – еще один человек, который напрямую связан с российскими железными дорогами. Он заместитель генерального директора. Живет и работает в Санкт-Петербурге. Так же выступает за введение QR кодов в поездах дальнего следования. – 100% 1.31 Tony Oleg Williamsovich is another person who is directly connected with Russian railways. He is the Deputy General Director. Lives and works in St. Petersburg. He also advocates the introduction of QR codes in long-distance trains. https://kompromat.wiki/Олег_Тони_крестный_отец_РЖД https://kompromat.wiki/Согласованный_кидок_от_Рейльян http://rucompromat.com/persons/toni_oleg
1.32 Паслер Денис Владимирович – губернатор Оренбургской области. Местные жители знают, как Денис получил свою должность, а именно благодаря своему отцу – Владимиру Паслеру. За годы его управления областью, на него несколько раз жит...
Hi! We are the «Freedom Fighters» team. We are trying to make the world a better and fairer place. We are from Russia, and we are not satisfied with the world order in Russia. We want to change something. And we tried to do multisignature address. We've been doing this for two months. Please, pay attention.
PART 1/5
If we did something wrong, we also designed it like this (We combine everything into one):
Multisignature address:
Address: 15hsiWDAKqQaFpS3weN5GUsc55WwLuAFTz
Pubkey: 0341E697748BE8404F2D4D3AE242B615211BCEEBC2088856457CB5E1906E236524
Address: 16MyGo4bq8J6e1NJTsJc1T6SNFzo4dYhWZ
Pubkey: 03C872C39086DC9F07FC30AAE717CBEF0DC8D7633C04765D374428D2FFD1565F35
Address: 1GoUU4EW7p6SHREZzX6W5AQN8GG1v41BJq
Pubkey: 0275BBEBAA4C908AA1BB2411FDDA23DBDE96711E85AE8A610C4511F40B6B3CA340
Address: 1KxkjZ6dei5qzEAY4qDVDini9TR3Mvoh8J
Pubkey: 028C4891767AE2DACB6ADB0707BEE30B5CC9BA3E6142A96C469DFDEDFCE9260CBC
Address: 1G2iGXSQyyMACeMnPKd7MGrtAWhD...
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hi! We are the «Freedom Fighters» team. We are trying to make the world a better and fairer place. We are from Russia, and we are not satisfied with the world order in Russia. We want to change something. And we tried to do multisignature address. We've been doing this for two months. Please, pay attention.
PART 1/5
If we did something wrong, we also designed it like this (We combine everything into one):
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hi! We are the «Freedom Fighters» team. We are trying to make the world a better and fairer place. We are from Russia, and we are not satisfied with the world order in Russia. We want to change something. And we tried to do multisignature address. We've been doing this for two months. Please, pay attention.
PART 1/5
If we did something wrong, we also designed it like this (We combine everything into one):
Hi! We are the «Freedom Fighters» team. We are trying to make the world a better and fairer place. We are from Russia, and we are not satisfied with the world order in Russia. We want to change something. And we tried to do MULTISIGNATURE ADDRESS. We've been doing this for two months. Please, pay attention.
Multisignature Address:
Address: 15hsiWDAKqQaFpS3weN5GUsc55WwLuAFTz
Pubkey: 0341E697748BE8404F2D4D3AE242B615211BCEEBC2088856457CB5E1906E236524
Address: 16MyGo4bq8J6e1NJTsJc1T6SNFzo4dYhWZ
Pubkey: 03C872C39086DC9F07FC30AAE717CBEF0DC8D7633C04765D374428D2FFD1565F35
Address: 1GoUU4EW7p6SHREZzX6W5AQN8GG1v41BJq
Pubkey: 0275BBEBAA4C908AA1BB...
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hi! We are the «Freedom Fighters» team. We are trying to make the world a better and fairer place. We are from Russia, and we are not satisfied with the world order in Russia. We want to change something. And we tried to do MULTISIGNATURE ADDRESS. We've been doing this for two months. Please, pay attention.
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hi! We are the «Freedom Fighters» team. We are trying to make the world a better and fairer place. We are from Russia, and we are not satisfied with the world order in Russia. We want to change something. And we tried to do MULTISIGNATURE ADDRESS. We've been doing this for two months. Please, pay attention.