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saved 996d
One way to 10000X Coingeek Conference online viewers and sell out the next event at 10x the current ticket price

Craig gets on stage today, opens laptop, logs in to Binance and market sells 50 BTC from a 2009 block reward wallet

You're welcome Calvin
saved 996d
Craig speaking to that empty room yesterday was tragic comedy.

So much momentum in 2018-2019 Coingeeks that fizzled away.

$1000 BSV would have been sold out with people trying to sneak in.

Oblivious that price is the most important metric for marketing.
saved 998d
/pay [email protected] $218
saved 1060d
Coinbase loaning out their customers' captive BSV & using it for underwriting their own debts to other exchanges (off the record of course).

Caught in the act.

This will be fun to watch.
saved 1074d
Cryptofights pvp only i think has adoption limitations

A single player or multiplayer quest type mode would seal the deal
saved 1074d
Robinhood might not actually own or have contracts on a large majority of the BSV their users have purchased on platform

What a crazy timeline if you fuckers somehow bankrupted Robinhood via BSV prior to their IPO

saved 1074d
Artificial scarcity, 12d chess
saved 1075d
An app that cross posts Facebook posts to the blockchain for grandparents who want to keep in touch with their family and preserve their legacy but are wary of big tech disappearing them.

Cost to users, a few cents per day.

Billion dollar idea at scale.
saved 1075d
The narrative around BSV will remain consistently terrible as long as people regret buying it yesterday.
saved 1075d
I really should have studied the game theory of this before investing in BSV.

Craig's enemies aim to punish BSV holders, and Craig doesn't give a fuck.

That's the summary we missed.
saved 1075d
Sometimes they give Dash a 40% pump in 15 minutes just to mentally fuck with BSV holders, there is no other purpose of that.
saved 1075d
Should have listened to Arthur Van Pelt for financial advice related to BSV for the past two years
saved 1075d
There should be a BSV plugin and/or Bitcoin based clone copy of every single big tech product
saved 1077d
An entrepreneurial bsver might one day write a salesforce plugin which duplicates the data CRMs generate for their employers to the blockchain so they can migrate their CRM details between jobs or to eventually become independent

1 billion dollar idea
saved 1078d
Has anyone actually played Cryptofights?

It's been "Getting Player Info" for 20 minutes and my computer doesnt suck
saved 1117d
saved 1132d
If it makes you feel any better shitcoins are down like 80 percent too
saved 1132d
this isnt the bottom is it
saved 1132d
btw I just bought way more BSV like an irresponsible to my family amount
saved 1132d
Fucker didn't tell us the rolling icebergs were also on BSV
saved 1136d
saved 1136d
Dead cat bounce for shitcoins, hopefully the bottom for BSV
saved 1141d
There is $90 Billion locked in DeFi today, up from $60 billion last month.

Limiting factor is currently high fees and blockchain congestion.

Hello BSV?
saved 1141d
Also the first person to create a slick DeFi platform on BSV (its better in every single way for this) will be a billionaire.

saved 1141d
@21795 Hackathon Ideas

App that integrates with your phone camera and quickly mints an NFT of your picture on BSV.

App to convert shitcoins and shitcoin dust into twetch credits.

A template for creating text based games on chain.

You're welcome.