
Joined Apr 21, 2018

I didn't do it and I have a alibi.

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replied 2010d
You had a 🍺 listed at a crazy price for ages and sold it yesterday lol, you was ahead of the game Georg ;-)
replied 2010d
I think I saw them on twitter offering to pay people for shilling BCH, needed to retweet and follow. I didn't. Looked a bit shady.
replied 2011d
Ha ha !
I'm the giver of cheer, the father of beer, I have no fear :-)
replied 2016d
Crazy ! Just checked and the tokens are there now ! The tiny amount of BCH shown in wallet disappeared but tokens are there. Early days and teething problems probably :-)
replied 2027d
Yes I do worry about him as his posts are very erratic, slim chance he's trolling but yeah more likely mental health issues. Jared, if you can recognise you having issues, seek help.
replied 2027d
I'm confused here Jared, are you saying you are satoshi and you have 980,000 btc and I assume BCH ?
replied 2027d
Not related to the music vid, but do make 1.
Why do you send to this 1mesh address when you post rather than make a normal new post? I've noticed it for a while but don't understand it
listed token for sale CANCELLED 2027d

replied 2029d
We getting our lines crossed here dix, I'm not talking about >50% of world population! I'm talking >0.5 of wealthy first world country population! The homeless u(USA?) me(UK) would see
replied 2030d
That was the last time that guy ever stood on his own 2 feet, or talked or did anything. My friend spent a bit of time in a young offenders then full prison untill his mid 20's.
replied 2030d
More instinctively than thinking about it he picked up a short length that had been left against the wall and smacked one of them around the head with it.
replied 2030d
Street at 2am by a couple drunk guys. He was just walking home from a club minding his own business. Where it took place was by some shops being renovated covered with scaffolding
replied 2030d
A friend I've known for a few years now and he's come to be a very close friend told me a story about how your life can change in a instant. Back when he was 17 he got attacked in the
replied 2030d
Not failed dude but lives in crisis, you never know what's going to happen tomorrow, and it could be something that can change your life drastically, I will tell you a story....
replied 2030d
Fuck man, I got to agree with dix, twatter, that's fucking cold dude.
We all just a family breakup/debt crisis/mental health breakdown/who knows what, day away from being homeless.
replied 2030d
Think I found it, does the sending address start with qrhg58 ?
replied 2030d
Or the sending address ?
replied 2030d
Don't suppose you have the tx ID or a time and amount to help me find it ?
replied 2031d
If you have say 1🦖token listed for sale and then you tip 1🦖 it seems it cancels the sale. If you have 2🦖 for sale and tip 1🦖 it's fine. From my experience anyway :-)
replied 2031d
Would I have received a notification if it worked ??
replied 2032d
lol!! Guess it was about time for a new account !!

Having to wait to post with the new account as well ffs !!!

It's digital liquid gold,
A SOVB(store of virtual beer),
Scarce, only 1000 available,
What's not to love about 🍺?

To say cheers, send them a beer :-)

🍺, probably the best SLP in the world.
In a recent study by leading academics, it was discovered that having 🍺 tokens made you 6x more attractive to the opposite sex.

🍺 probably the best SLP in the world.
replied 2036d
The 3 people who liked your comment may be creative enough to understand you... Oh wait.....
replied 2036d

Will you prop it up by buying it yourself just as you prop up your memo comments by liking them yourself lol !!

Be funny to watch you fail though so go ahead, launch haha