#Tip1BCH If this get liked by 1000 users, I'll tip 1 BCH to random liker!
Absolute certainty doesn't exist.
Are you absolutely certain of that ;-)?
you can now reply to this message!
reply so I follow back!
Keep up the good work!
Memo.cash needs a link shortening service.
So Spend and Replace (plus a bit extra) to support BCH and make it grow!
Spend and replace = 3 trades. Buy, Spend, Replace.
All further accrual of value is based on other people's trades/investments.
When you hodl, you make one trade.
So more trade means more value.
Using a currency means trading it for things.
A currency only has value if it can be used.
Can Bitcoin Cash handle Memo if it became Twitter?https://bit.ly/2qJfdJg
Can Bitcoin Cash handle Memo if it became Twitter?https://bit.ly/2qJfdJg
Added cashaddr & QR codes. Also fixed UTF-8 characters. Things are moving!