
Joined May 13, 2018


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2178d · Guess the movie
13th Warrior!
replied 2178d
Which is also a claim on his part as there is no proof other than his assertion that it's true.
2178d · Guess the movie
2178d · Guess the movie
I own that shit!! Plus The Hobbit!..
2178d · BCH庄家拉盘拉不动了,这个山寨币即将归零
Chairman Mao loves henchmen like you. More FREE T-Shirts incoming.
replied 2178d
You're posing quite the double standard of knowledge. If I was a prominent miner would you believe me more?
followed topic Guess the movie 2178d
2178d · Guess the movie
LOTR animated has to be it.
2178d · Guess the movie
2178d · germany
If I've learned anything from Hollywood they are headed to Madagascar.
The Local Germany
2178d · germany
Several wild animals, including tigers and lions, broke out of a zoo in Germany Friday morning. Emergency teams are trying to find them. https://thelocal.de/144211
2179d · memo
Regardless @memo is kicking fuckin ass.
replied 2179d
followed topic Psychology 2179d
I am now following a topic. That is all.
Memo update released:
- Ability to follow topics and indicator for unread topic messages
- Links to replies now go to full thread instead of just parent
- Topic posts in feed now have a button to go to topic
2179d · Psychology
True! I was mostly stating the fact that the conditioning can be undone by other means as well! Glad the brain can change - just a painful af process without conditioning lol.
2179d · Photography
Bagan, Myanmar:
replied 2179d
replied 2179d
Not trying to be a downer, but since this is an immutable chain, shouldn’t we stick to links that aren’t subject to change or eventual 404 by bch.gg going out of business?
voted in poll 2179d

Are you in favor of universal basic income equal to minimum wage (including any other benefits)?


Good intentions kill in ways that are not obvious. Get rid of the minimum wage while you're at it, let the market decide the value of your work.
replied 2179d
Agreed. It's a fad - Vicky will be outed.
"ETH allows you to run unstoppable code" is a lie. Sure your code could run except until Vitalik reverses your tx and PoS makes it a centralized DB distributed between morons who think it's immutable and decentralized
replied 2179d
That's why governments are in love with Ethereum because it's really not immutable.
An American Genesis - https://bch.gg/2o