3 - declare it a commodity not currency
4 - create [a] Dollar settled future[s]
5 - control it like any other asset, as long as you control the Dollar supply
Conclusion: As long as you don't lose your access to first-tier freshly printed Dollars you are basically destined to control every (Dollar settled) market on this planet.
The standard of living we have today is higher than in all of human history due to economic growth. This happened in spite of the state, not because of the state.
This is true, although the FED is trying to erode that standard of living. If left unchecked the FED and IRS will ruin our standard of living. #BCH
The standard of living we have today is higher than in all of human history due to economic growth. This happened in spite of the state, not because of the state.
Think about it. We can't buy food, pay our bills, our taxes, or really anything with crypto right now aside from some "HODL" t-shirts and some charity donations.
Also if you want to give me BCH I'll pay your electric bill...just saying...
Think about it. We can't buy food, pay our bills, our taxes, or really anything with crypto right now aside from some "HODL" t-shirts and some charity donations.
Well you can come to Bandwagon Brewery in Interlaken Ny and buy all the dank craft beer you want with BCH thanks to bchpls.io. Bandwagonbeer.com
Yep I agree. They need a major chain to start accepting it, and the ball will start rolling. If McDonald's started accepting BCH everybody would follow.
And their Tax Accountants would cry themselves to sleep. We need tax reform on crypto. Yesterday.
When people say, its Crony Capitalism, that is so naive. Its just Capitalism, its how the system is designed, and why small minority gets all the money & with it political power also.
business makes money (profit) government takes money (taxes) and government abuses money (war).
I have a hard time believing in Bitcoin as a government when no one has actually fleshed out the details of how that would work.
Well it would start by weakening government control of money and information. That will lead to less government. That will lead to self governance, and individual liberty.
The state needs to support the lowest class and make sure there is a fair standard of living for everyone, including health care and education
Health care and education are two perfect examples of areas that the state has ruined and needs to stay out of. The state has no money. Taxation is theft