Georg Engelmann

Joined Apr 26, 2019

Cash Account: GeorgEngelmann#17216

Actions 290
Following 20
Followers 73
Topics following 6
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Georg Engelmann
replied 1675d
No, not in the memo, but it's possible - I used funds from memo to pay
Georg Engelmann
Creating a full backup of my Electron Cash server
Georg Engelmann
replied 1675d
bitcoincash: URI scheme allows for clickable links like mailto: for e-mail - I should add cashacct: as a non-registered URI scheme proposal for cash accounts
Georg Engelmann
replied 1675d
There is no "consolidate" feature or option in memo and EC SLP - could be valuable
Georg Engelmann
replied 1675d
Created a token to annoy me.
Georg Engelmann
replied 1675d
Georg Engelmann
replied 1675d
Georg Engelmann
Georg Engelmann
Georg Engelmann
Georg Engelmann
I made a memo-like link for Electron Cash using the bitcoincash URI scheme and OP_RETURN, but it's not visible on memo
Georg Engelmann
replied 1675d
Did not work...
Georg Engelmann
replied 1676d
The best moment to buy cryptocurrency: when nobody is talking about it
Georg Engelmann
1677d · Bitcoin Cash
Georg Engelmann
replied 1677d
Georg Engelmann
replied 1677d
Georg Engelmann
Oh wait, no I don't
Georg Engelmann
replied 1677d
I need a good SVG version of the bitcoincash logo to make a request
Georg Engelmann
1677d · Ethereum
Australia's Perth Mint is the first digital gold token on a public blockchain (Ethereum)
Georg Engelmann
1677d · BCH Speculation
Disclosure: ETH-BCH goes 0.82 I am selling ETH for BCH
Georg Engelmann
1677d · Bitcoin Cash
Georg Engelmann
replied 1677d
Quality matters too. Frankfurt, Germany is expensive (it's a financial center: European Central Bank, German stock exchange, etc.), but low latency and high availability
Georg Engelmann
Additional high-speed traffic is not cheap - a full highspeed blockchain download currently costs $2 for me if you're sync'ing from my main servers in Germany:

Georg Engelmann
replied 1677d
True. My picture is actually wrong, 'cause you're not trying to convince people that you're good - insulting almost everyone on memo
Georg Engelmann
1677d · memo
Deleted old tweets on twitter, linked my twitter account to
Georg Engelmann
replied 1677d
Most of the time people want you to think that they are good.
Georg Engelmann
replied 1678d
This company is stealing ideas from my