
Joined Apr 23, 2018

Standalone Korean

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replied 2369d
5/ “The "Network fee settings" on the wallet, doesn't change anything for BCH transactions,”
replied 2369d
4/ “On the rare occasion a BCH transaction can be sent with a higher fee. This is a problem we need to fix.”
replied 2369d
3/ “The fee structure for BCH transactions is set to 1sat/B, and the high majority of BCH transactions from our wallet have a fee of 1.08sat/B”
replied 2369d
2/ “So far i really can't give you a solid answer for why this happens, as we are still investigating.”
replied 2369d
i got answer From

1/ “it is a problem we are already aware of and working to fix.”
En Fri Mand
replied 2370d
I haven't seen it in Electron Cash neither. Haven't used Edge wallet that much.
replied 2370d
But again,this is just one time Personal Experiment.So use any wallet you want.Most Important thing is,Dont forget to write down Backup Pharse&Private Keys.
Have a safe Crypto Day.😉
replied 2370d
9/ Tx Fees:300sat(1.56/B)
1 Input, 1 Output, 192B
replied 2370d

They Show me how much fee cost.but i prefer auto deduction.
And There is no send “all fund” feature.
replied 2370d

There is no menu or setting about Fees.

Tx Fees: 1910sat(10.05sat/B)
1 input, 1 output, 190B
replied 2370d

6/ Wallet
i have to calcurate fee myself.
no send “all fund” feature.

Tx Fees:1320sat(3.89sat/B)
1 inpit, 1 output, 340B
replied 2370d
5/Jaxx wallet Tx Fees:3950sat(17.56sat/B,low mining fee setting)
1 input, 1 output 225B
replied 2370d

4/Jaxx Wallet.
Does not support Cash Addr.
And there is Max button for sending all fund.
But as you can see in screenshot,it was not”all” fund.
replied 2370d
So I personally recommand to use those 3wallets.especially Electron-cash.
replied 2370d
2/ As in my experienc,Electron-cash is best.always working good.
Edge Wallet& wallet also good,but sometimes weird things happen.not a big one,but still weird.
1/ Personal Experiment.
I rolled 1$BCH between these Mobile BCH wallets.
I did this because i want to know each wallets Fees.
But this is just one time Personal Experiment.
replied 2370d
En Fri Mand
I sent Eamil to
In my experience,Never Happen in Electron-cash&Edge Wallet but i am not sure.
replied 2370d
I sent email to
I wish I could get an answer.
En Fri Mand
replied 2370d
1) I suggest you contact I tried contacting about this long ago (feedback through the app) but it never got fixed. This is some BTC code to avoid extra high fees for a....
replied 2370d
Try contacting support and ask about why this happens. In the past I have experienced some cases like this as well. It is really weird.
2370d Wallet cost me 4082sat for fees.its 21sat/btye.Network Fee Setting is super economy.
still dont get how how this work
Tx has 1input,1output.size is 192byte
En Fri Mand
replied 2370d
But still it takes 5 sat/b in fees. How many outputs does the this tx have?
replied 2370d
En Fri Mand
1 input and 1 output.size is 192byte.
replied 2371d
My guess is that this wallet still tries to do some 'smart fee analysis', a BTC leftover code.
If I set the setting fee at 1 sat/byte, I do not want the wallet to do any analysis.
replied 2370d
En Fri Mand
alrdy set to super economy.
And actually BCH’s fees are fixed to 1sat/byte in thia wallet.
No matter which option you choose.