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saved 1514d
That's the problem right there!

The 'popular use' of the term is the result of a more than 100 year old media and government effort to vilify those who are against violence of any kind.

The popular use is literally the oppisite of the actual meaning.
saved 1514d
What anarchist groups do you mean?

I can't see any.
Certainly not antifa.

Whoever is violent can't be an anarchist by definition.

Being violent means trying to rule someone else. Violent people are tiny tyrants.

But marxists like to pose as anarchists
saved 1514d
What republic? :)

That's exactly why I'm impressed by how well divide and rule is working...

Now those who always feared a FEMA takeover are cheering for it.

Time will tell.
What a show!
saved 1514d
I understand.

I think most people have a lot in common and can quite easily respect each other
if they focus on the beliefs they share.

We both agree that violence, hatred and coercion are evil. Now the question is just how to not become a part of them.
saved 1514d
saved 1514d
The division is complete.
Building bridges here...
saved 1514d

Wanting a group of people to be totally anihilated for their views is really just another way of saying 'live and let live'

Maybe you are less of a live and let live cult person than you thought!

But I get it: hatred is very ugly and scary.
saved 1515d
Abandon certainty.
Embrace change.
saved 1515d
Different but related topic.

I'm not sure an initiation into adulthood must necessarily be of a mystical kind.

Adulthood can be considered a prerequisite of the mystic initiation, though, if such is indeed desired.

Cc @6529
saved 1515d
Everybody knows that evidence, facts and logic are expressions of sexism, racism and white supremacy - and especially transphobia. But more than that, they are symptoms of insanity. Toxic masculinity is the root of rationality.

Big hug!
The United Nations
saved 1515d
...open your nose.
Smell the bacon..

saved 1515d
If your only way to win the debate is to insult, silence and vilify your opponents,
you are essentially screaming:

"I am wrong and dangerous!"

And your scream will not go unnoticed...
saved 1515d
You're probably right.

You convinced Donald Trump to come to Twetch and send out his message to 25000 people who are widely considered a scammy cult of delusional nerds.
saved 1515d
I always liked the phrase 'if you got nothing to hide you got nothing to worry about'.

I just happen to believe that it should be applied to the government, not to the people.
saved 1515d
I'd rather smuggle a question or two into the minds of those who secretly go through my profile than get followers, likes, and branches.
saved 1515d
saved 1515d
I don't want to stop your views.
I'm not a commie, I don't fear words and opinions.

I'd just rather not be sacrificed for the supposed greater good by your love and rest in collectivist peace in a mass grave.
saved 1515d
Luckily the virus usually fades away in the 30s. But now that hardly anyone grows up anymore we can't even count on that.
saved 1515d
And then there's the little detail of American banks financing the whole gig, including the Rockefellers.

Divide and rule.

Communism is controlled opposition.
Always has been.
saved 1515d
"You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me."

- Alexander Solzhenitsyn
saved 1515d
Freedom seems scary -
until you study collectivism.
saved 1515d
saved 1515d
saved 1516d
saved 1516d
Everyone can stage a coup d'etat against a predident.

5D chess is to stage a coup d'etat while actually being the president.

Needless to say, Trum supporters will have to pay for Trumps 'coup' against himself.