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saved 1247d
saved 1247d
Show them what the wolf is really howling at
saved 1247d
BTC dominance is now below 49%. There's no chart support in this range.
The odds are high BTC dominance will drop below 40% before the new month is done.
saved 1247d
I decided to buy back 1 egg
saved 1248d
in Texas
3rd largest city in the USA... SOON

The cold blast in February killed most of the palms.
saved 1248d
saved 1248d
the location clue is that you can see a resident has planted sago palms, but they are now dead.

As these are well-manicured properties, it was taken someplace where the palms were recently killed by cold weather
saved 1248d
Contention is a non-linearity against scale: The more scale you have the worse it becomes.

A poorly-concurrent blockchain such as one driven by global state will look great for a while.

As complexity of operations grow, becomes a big problem
saved 1248d
Scale can be built up incrementally upon a base of scalable design. This is what BSV is doing.

Concurrent design is an entirely different matter. Concurrency lives with you like you had a crazy uncle move in.
If it was not thought out right, lol

saved 1248d
The aggregate scale will do well to accommodate 10,000 unrelated ETH hobby projects

But if you have a blockbusters idea to roll out with huge scale , fat chance
saved 1248d
I haven’t looks at Solana for 3 minutes.
I hear 2 things-High TPS, Global state

here is the problem with that

It’s the difference between aggregate scale and concurrent scaling.

Scale without having good concurrency is contention.

Not worth shit
saved 1248d
It is well understood in computing business world that the more you lower the cost of transactions, the more user cases become advantaged by it, and the more adoption you get.

It’s crazy so many crypto investors can be convinced to devalue this concept
saved 1248d
Few people think critically about uncontrolled statistical data
“Our cars are safe” vs
“The self-selected drivers of those cars are a far safer driving population”
saved 1249d
Residential street in a large US city.
Can you tell which city ? There is a clue in the photo
saved 1249d
saved 1249d
911 calls about the Tesla crash
“We heard a boom”
“30 foot flames”
“The car exploded”
“Raining little pieces of fire on my driveway”
No other vehicle involved.
30,000 gallons of water
Who in their right mind would want to drive around in that ?
saved 1250d
Biden in mask on a world leader zoom
saved 1250d
Well, if you have a business is funded by a transaction processor, you might have to follow their agenda to make greater use of the network in exchange for that funding.
saved 1250d
I don't understand the preoccupation by some in BSV with walking down the value chain, to the smallest of nanopayment and the rawest of data
If I were in business, I'd be trying to capture as much value as possible in order to climb the value chain
saved 1250d
Joe Rogan called to the carpet and immediately bends to the experimental vaxxers.
even called himself a f'n moron?
saved 1250d
Two week ago BTC broke its trendline, now it can't hold $54K on the bounce. This sets up another drop.

BTC weakening bodes well for BSV in the month ahead.
saved 1250d
saved 1250d
It's clear:

He made programs for people. He looked at the world, observed that most of the problems are the people. He concluded "I need to program the people"

And here we are.
saved 1251d
BTC dominance thesis was a problem of being reflexive.

The BTC store of value argument has been a deception. Chasing returns with dominance theory investing was the true narrative of BTC'ers.

Now they are screwed
saved 1251d
Party guys
BTC went below 50% for the first time since BSV existed .
Half of all crypto dollars have left the cult and are up for grabs / mindshare.