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saved 1312d
The % of data that a company would neither a) share with anyone even securely nor b) store in cloud for internal use is so small it is certainly less than 1%
Our BSV data universe is 99%
As companies are less vertical, ideal sharing use case is > 50%
saved 1312d
There is no law the says your encrypted data input to a transaction must be delivered as plaintext
saved 1312d
The incumbent model is Cloud.
Corporations have already handed over their security to a centralized depot. In the cloud one hack a year inside a credentialed storage API exposes TB of data, mass violations to millions.
Is public blockchain deficient? no
saved 1312d
Add- the value of information degrades exponentially with time. Much Proven research
If a data security professional is prioritizing or equal-foot worrying about 10-30 years over worrying about the next 5 minutes to next month, that’s foolish
saved 1312d
people need to be told to get their head out of their rear about security perimeters - reasonable risks vs unreasonable risk, instead of nerdy self-indulgence in know-it-all competitions
saved 1312d
Especially where so many systems operate in cloud. You give external party encrypted file with a pre-shared secret. They open in a VM hosted in cloud, with the text is sitting physically operated by company Z. Company Z is watching every data access
saved 1312d
The use case decision point is to share information or not share, to keep it private/secret. Nothing is different: If you give something out, you no longer control it
The idea that public blockchain is deficient in regard to data sharing is a non-starter
saved 1312d
people say you can’t put important encrypted data on chain because keys might be cracked later. They ignore ability to encode in 2D, split data composition across transactions to not be reassembled with only a transaction key.
saved 1312d
SNOW as a company offering a data sharing platform is worth $73B
And it doesn’t even do money+data
saved 1313d
In seriousness, tether leverage blowup is the one thing I see that might change people's thinking.
saved 1313d
I've tried sharing that with 1000s of BTCers.
Zero of them care as best I can tell.
So what is the next thing that will move them?
saved 1313d
99% even solid people don't care
They bought the lies. I've spent 100s of hours trying to tell people in ETH and all that shit why they should care.
They made a lot of money, so they're validated. BSV is now bottom coin. I don't think they'll ever care now
saved 1313d
Their narrative was this is what made BSV not an investment grade coin

CSW actually now has helped to demonstrate their narrative was accurate.
saved 1313d
Greyscale buiding investment products on every crypto but BSV.


They said for years BSV is a playground for CSW seizing coins.
saved 1313d
Cardano , up 10x in 3 months
Just a few positive market signals is all it took.

Now they can fund huge amounts of re-investment to build a legitimately competitive ecosystem. All valid, even while I think their system sucks.
saved 1313d
saved 1314d
I think zillow's basis problem, however they might arrive at it from local "comps" and tax data, is it's not sufficiently statistically normalized.
saved 1314d
Idea: build "Home Swagometer"
Zillow is telling me a home value went up 3.1% in 30 days, 20% vs 02/20 That's just dumb. Any tool could do better.
In the Case-Shiller national price index, prices are up 10.4% Y/Y. That's closer to true.
saved 1314d
I did swear him off 3 weeks ago, but he made a way back into my life with some prophetic hyperbole.
But now I know better. There will be no more next time.
saved 1314d
Where is the BSV money to ramp up for 1B users in 3 years?
saved 1314d
Maybe you miss my point? The DCG problem is not with DeFi, but the amount of money it has generated for them to recycle to go next level.
What if they are on track for 1 Billion users on Carbon Social Network etc and the rest in 3 years? Is BSV keeping up?
saved 1314d
With this recent DeFi boom, can you imagine the amount of $ that DCG can now recycle into their ecosystem? 100000 devs
What’s the response for BSV to keep up?
“Fight crypto anarchy”? Or “their networks suck”
They’ll have 1B users embracing the suck
saved 1314d
From an analytic PoV, due to the recent shift in tech landscape, starvation of large Dev investment $, and lack of market signals to draw in new $, two years of my confidence now has doubts.
I will still pull for everybody who is already committed to it
saved 1314d
I figured BCD would be way off his radar, far away from nChain code.
I imagine if I forked BSV, I'd have court injunction served at my door next day lol.
My scale-up would probably be better than theirs. I have more experience in it than anybody at nChain
saved 1314d
I wonder if people with a lot of energy can reclaim Bitcoin Diamond as more independent, return the opcodes etc?
I have world-class skills for recoding it into a scale-up node.
One day CSW might sue us for doing it, but he sue us anyway here so who cares?