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saved 1328d
Fabriik's twitter is giddy over Mastercard, BNY, Amazon, Twitter, Uber all jumping on BTC bandwagon. Bad enough, but somebody explain to me why CAL RTs it?
saved 1328d
The network must be high fee in order to be dEcEnTrAlizEd
saved 1328d
Clearly the man was under the influence at the time and cannot be held responsible for the comment
saved 1329d
saved 1329d
It really looks like there is an effort to pump whatever is beneath BSV in market cap to flip them, sending BSV down the ranks
saved 1329d
Now you are near where the hopium is sold. Be wary bc it's the hardest drug around BSV.
saved 1329d
when you embrace an idea that something is going to happen soon. As the soon continues day after day, it distorts your thinking.
saved 1329d
Inelastic supply of block space on these other chains-
On BTC, this is artificial. That's our most basic gripe with BTC.
The problem on ETH is more deeply rooted. It's a consequence of a retrogressive redesign of Bitcoin.
saved 1329d
following up on barfor..
Bitcoin BSV original scalable design-
unbounded block size leads to competitive transaction market.
The BSV fee now is less than 1/10th of a penny. Even if the world is using BSV, fee is still about the same.
competition = freedom
saved 1329d
don't take the soonium
saved 1329d
The existing system is all in now.

We can still live the P2P dream tho.
saved 1329d
If anybody cares to know, I just encountered this:
RH had a limit BSV sales to just over $5000 per order.
But you can just submit another as re-priced order.
On a stable day like today, this didn't matter. In a fast market, it might.
saved 1329d
this is more about defeating the mind affliction
saved 1329d
I never took the soonium, and never bought the hopium.
However, I was microdosing on wenium for two years.
I just had a week of withdrawals and now I'm clean
Thanks to all who put up with my Twetch feed over last few days.
saved 1329d
Oh no Bogota has fallen too? 😱
saved 1329d
There's always the city of Bogota to fall back on. Nice certificate.
saved 1329d
BSV's memior

February 2021:
When 'Soon' Became 'Too Late'
saved 1329d
as yesterday, miscalculation over. Wall St big finance, institutional and corporate $, along with Silicon Valley, already have the government as their tamed dog.
He needs to admit he didn't cockblock Novogratz enough. Come up with a new plan 4 the future
saved 1329d
Two takeaways reading this
- a lot of wealthy people are dumb ( not news)
- this clown lost his investors funds holding ICO shitcoins thru crypto winter (most fell 99%)
saved 1329d
Justin Sun says bought $10M GME at the peak now worth $1.5M. Says he is Holding
I guess he did that to signal he’s a populist Everyman
saved 1329d
IMO, Robinhood listed BSV at the request of some cabal to help short it. For sure some short has everybody’s RH BSV sold rn.
Should I just sell the BSV I have been holding on Robinhood since summer 2019?
saved 1329d
saved 1330d
Even Rothschild Asset management publicly owns a couple $billion in BTC. That's as institutional as you can get.
saved 1330d
CSWs mistake as far as the US was in not realizing Novogratz was the biggest strategic opponent.
Not Jack on twitter, not reddit goofs.
The need was to prevent Novogratz's overtures for BTC adoption in institutional investment and corporate finance.
saved 1330d
BSV needs 9 figure investment at this point, in the ecosystem and in the coin.
One theory is this CSW round was a final bluster. Instead, he lives well from means of 'lending' BTC custody i.e hypothecation (he loves contracts)
Nothing else ever happens.