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saved 1343d
Sober people will say the problem is volatility- Nobody is allowed disrupt an orderly system.
Margin interest jacked up. Margin/Equity ratio limits reduced.
Options trading access more widely controlled.
RH limited to buying ETFs and large caps.
saved 1343d
The fallout:
Fed says "too much hot money", calls for transition of monetary response to fiscal economic stimulus: Biden's friends get paid.
Fed takes tech stonks -20%, S&P -10%, to squeeze hot money.
Rent vouchers, food stamps, in lieu of no more checks
saved 1343d
This is another example of something the new-to-millentials and new-to-online-dialog being treated as factually new when it isn't. There is a lot of history, yet not much online because it's been held within the proprietary inside baseball of Wall Street
saved 1343d
Nobody is allowed to cause interference and abnormality within the broker-dealer system. They'll just kick out anybody who does. It's always been this way.
saved 1343d
I see the measures are well within historical norms.
Normal 'investors' have not been allowed to manipulate the price of stocks for 90 years. The brokers will hold them to it. If that fails, the SEC will.
File with the SEC as an active to do that.
saved 1343d
To low end RH investors, you are allowed to play Wall Street's game a little to no cost because they think you are easy money to be had.
You are not big money to them. If you are a pest, they will just flick you away and not care at all.
saved 1343d
It's easy to think that populist politician can take shots at hedge funds and something will change. Hedge fund people are a tiny low profile group.
However, think who is invested in hedge funds. Don't fall for the con that anybody will ding them
saved 1343d
I spent 1000s of hours between 2000-'07 investigating systemic financial risk. I have a mental compulsion to analyze data.
The Federal Reserve's Z.1 report was always the highlight.
If something is wrong with your brain like mine, don't get hooked on it
saved 1343d
If you see people online saying this GME revolution is going to collapse some system, it's not. Suggest to look up the 1998 LTCM hedge fund bailout.
saved 1343d
For years, hedge funds pick up dimes in front of dump trucks.
Nobody would ever do this, but these types of trades are where they get the edge. They have systematized them, and expect the system to hold the status quo in their favor.
saved 1343d
The idea the young people think the SEC would enforce *against* Wall St on their behalf is 💯 comedy.
They should think why the SEC exists.
If this was 25 years ago, the SEC would have Feds kicking in doors on Walls St’s behalf.
House’s rules in the casino
saved 1343d
saved 1343d
Nice to see when somebody joins and immediately follows 20 people.
It says "You Get It".
saved 1343d
a lot of activity but I see no community. Lots of random stuff. Is somebody scraping random twitter profiles with a bot to look like real users? no 'hive mind' happening there lol
saved 1343d
How long has noise been live ?
Any idea how many users ?
saved 1343d
Jaime Rogozinski, the founder of WallStreetBets actually thinks the SEC is there to serve him. Read a quote where he's wondering why they didn't step in against the brokers. LOL!
I'd assume this guy is quite successful, but he lives in fantasy land.
saved 1343d
It''s a huge grey area. Basically, ordinary people have not been allowed to become overtly involved in the manipulation the price of a stock for 90 years.
You can form a group and file with the SEC as an activist investor representing them
Not new at all
saved 1343d
I guess I am the only one.
What happened today is what I'd expect. It's always been this way. The only difference is a few decades ago, the SEC would have had Feds kicking in some doors and perp walking them on the news to scare everybody into stopping.
saved 1344d
For decades, it has been the norm that wall street makes zombie companies that are bled until its an empty carcass.
The companies, their employees, the jobs, the stores in communities, the customers- they don't matter at all.
Gamestop is an aberration.
saved 1344d
saved 1344d
saved 1344d
saved 1344d
not new, at all. I guess every generation needs to learn this

In my day, the SEC would have been much more aggressive about this. Doors would have been kicked in a week ago. 5 year prison sentences handed down for manipulation.
saved 1344d
As if SDNY isn't a stacked deck lol
This game is very old. They run the game, including the referees, and the league office.
Anybody don't like it, leave.
This is the investment equivalent of Amazon banning parler.
Swallow another red pill millennials
saved 1344d
This isn't much different than if they think you are counting cards they are going to kick you out of the casino.
Doesn't make it right. It's authority.