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saved 1222d
The playing field locations
10 regions
Only 1 region move per day
saved 1223d
US CBDC will be sold to the public as
what it can do for you.
It will quickly turn into
what you can’t do without it
saved 1223d
How the heck after all these years does Charlie Lee still have a reputation in tact and ever more followers?
I turned off this clown years ago. It demonstrates that crypto twitter is 1 Million NPCs.
saved 1223d
everybody answered the question incorrectly last week
saved 1224d
In the meantime, they'll borrow tanks when they need them from the Postal Service. 🤣
saved 1224d
Pope calls for Green New Deal, basically. What a coincidence of this spiritual revelation
No coordination whatsoever among global elites to transform Western societies to their desires, that purely coincidentally transfers all money and power to them
saved 1224d
Musk intentionally crashes the price then meets with gang of large desperate miners about what the Left expects them to do.

And it’s only the beginning

Such bullshit
saved 1225d
Changelly is easy enough
saved 1225d
For the longest time, I’ve been trying to think of who Whitmer reminds me of . Finally I got it
Cruella DeVille of 101 Dalmatians cartoon
saved 1225d
So they can be deployed to any number of customizations as solution and integrated/deployed with data
saved 1225d
As I think of BSV ecosystem, I think of solvable problem, with solvable problem of top, and solvable problem on top, and great value on top

This is why ‘BSV enterprise’ is slow to gain momentum. We just need more infrastructure built that solves problems
saved 1225d
Differentiation is loaded with friction- lead times, middlemen and excess cost. Ledger data can streamline it.
Where information is created, differentiation is used for buyer lock-in. That’s the prime target for building a market where none exists
saved 1225d
This is a near the supply chain use case, except that most supply chain deployments were mostly done on private shared ledgers as no outside actor was leveraging the concept to disrupt these and open up the markets
saved 1225d
What I think people are missing, in general terms-
There are neutral markets- such as trade commodity or fungible.
At the other end, are NFT /unique item market
The big money for BSV is in the middle building differentiated markets using the public ledger.
saved 1225d
You mean the app?
It’s seems about 100 people actively have something yet most of the cities seem to be a handful of users. Personally I think it went wrong direction.
saved 1225d
BTC clinging to $35k
ETH clinging to $2k
Doge clinging to 0.30
Typically there is one more leg down- The Washout.
saved 1225d
I don't know if any game can live up to the imagery by @30096 but we can pretend it does:
the Forest, the Jungle, the Savanna, and the Hinterlands where people of the Fox, Ape, and Lion journey to battle under each full moon
saved 1225d
congratulations: now over 200 followers 😊
saved 1226d
The big 2nd leg down is always margin holders getting liquidated fueling a round of selling
saved 1226d
BSV Better Stronger Value
Always going to be here
saved 1226d
"Men,...,think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one"
saved 1226d
Cryptos are turning into quite a bloodbath quickly.
It's really good to watch the cleanse of dying narratives.
The more spectacular the collapse, the better
This is what forces people to regroup mentally and reassess value.
saved 1226d
The main issue around BSV is that for every 10 artists selling work, there are 4 buyers trying quick flips to create cash, and only 1 actual end buyer looking to spend $ to acquire and hold art.
With the price crash on top, its a market destined to stall
saved 1226d
many paths but its still in flux.
some have minted tokens through moneybutton wallet and bitcointoken.exchange
others did similar with run tokens, tradeable on relayx market
Another recent one, but won't vouch for is tokenpow.com
saved 1226d
I asked @30096 to do some art for a slow-moving game over twetch we're thinking about and she knocks out some amazing work.