At the end of the day, it's entirely Pewds choice if he wants to give it away. People acting like dickheads towards him, even after he's already tipped millions, is a bit harsh. :/
It’s getting toxic, indeed. You’ll find the people on memo are more welcoming of honest discussion. Once the UI/UX is improved, this platform could lift off.
When you realise that every action you take is permanently recorded and costs some money, you'll think carefully about your words. Well most people do anyways.
The big whale that's sending BTC to Huboi is going to buy up an ass ton of shorts before he starts dumping imo(that's what I would do). So we go up, then down down down.
Time for some fun. Make a meme about the future of memo, from where we are now compared to where we will be in the future. Best one gets 500k of Satoshi's finest.
I have no doubt it's a real thing, just I doubt the method of awarding it - there is always someone worse off than you, and that guy probably doesn't have the internet