
Joined Feb 18, 2021

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1162d · hmwyda
I always think Bitcoin is a scam, I have never used virtual currency before,I once noticed that Bitcoin transactions were severely blocked,and the price based on USET virtual currency not the us dollar i think, I'd want to try to know it if some one can give me a few .like 0.000000000000001 is ok~ thx 1QECJ7oocmHeAq4JEuEu6WZnvFw4Mokru7
1162d · Memo
I am new here, I have never used virtual currency before, I don't know if it can work, I found this site accidentally
I try to created an address based on the method on the net.
If can give me very few virtual coins,like 0.00000000000000001 bitcoin, I can have a chance to try , thank you ,1QECJ7oocmHeAq4JEuEu6WZnvFw4Mokru7
1162d · Memo
I am new here, I have never used virtual currency before, I don't know if it can work, I found this site accidentally
I try to created an address based on the method on the net.
If can give me very few virtual coins,like 0.00000000000000001 bitcoin, I can have a chance to try , thank you
1162d · 10k Satoshi for Follow me
Hi~ I am new here, I have never used virtual currency before, I don't know if it can work, I try to created an address method on the net.
If can give me very few coins, I can have a chance to try , thank you! 1QECJ7oocmHeAq4JEuEu6WZnvFw4Mokru7