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saved 1187d
saved 1187d
saved 1187d
saved 1190d
Every fiat payment you make earns you more bitcoins.
saved 1194d
No, that's just the aerapass dashboard which they use for other more traditional corporate pre-paid cards.

You'll be able to topup direct to a paymail like [email protected] with BSV.
saved 1194d
what's happening?
saved 1194d
Yes this was a bug on aerapass. They've made a fix so it should work now.
saved 1194d
looks like it's still in your wallet. It's probably a UI issue with relayx not showing balance properly.
saved 1194d
what's your 1handle?
saved 1195d
Haste gamers might be incentivised to do giveaways of Haste Gameplay Tokens HGT to encourage people to actually play Haste.

E.g you pay @26988 for 100 HGT. Haste adds HGT to your referral link so that anyone who uses it to sign up receives HGT to play.
saved 1195d
Recently there was also @933 who gave away 10k sats to play on Haste - adding his ref link to the tweet.

I can see Haste offering a separate token from HST that is not listed on any exchange but has a single use case - gameplay fees.
saved 1195d
If you check the leaderboard you’ll see $Kurt on it sometimes. I don’t think he’s playing Haste, it’s the HST he receives from all the referrals he’s made.

This adds up overtime and requires no extra work from Kurt - potentially for a very long time.
saved 1195d
3. Referrals and Lifetime Passive Income

10% of HST tokens earned by anyone you refer goes to you.

You see this in action already through @292 shilling his Haste referral link.

Even posting a Tonicpow for it at 10cents per click. Smart.
saved 1195d
Income from playing Call of Duty & ranking on the global leaderboard.

Micropayments for every kill streak or headshot.

Your proof of work is how skilled you get at the game.

12 yo playing games on the phone might make more in a day than their parents.
saved 1195d
2. Skills-based Income

Haste says they will only release games of skill. Not games of chance.

The games are simple right now, but you can see a world with a lot more games added and people specialised in games where they make their living from it.
saved 1195d
Early users of FB got zero shares.

Early drivers at Uber got zero shares.

Yet they were the living blood of FB and Uber.

To get shares of FB or Uber pre-IPO, you had to be an insider with high net worth.
saved 1195d
1. Tokens & Founder’s Energy

• Users become founders because of token incentives.
• So customer and company are aligned.
• Creates a ‘founder energy’ in all early users.

saved 1195d
Three Aspects of Hyperhastetization:

1. Tokens & Founder’s Energy

2. Skills-based Income

3. Referrals & Lifetime Passive Income

(thread below)
saved 1196d
Yeah if you started it that would be why you haven't received NFT yet. We have to sort out which NFTs we will give as redeemable vs. nonredeemable depending on whether someone will complete KYC or not.

The NFT alone cannot be used as a payment card.
saved 1196d
Did you already start the KYC process?

RelayX have issued NFTs to those who pre-ordered the card but haven't even started KYC yet.

But yet to distribute the non-redeemable NFTs to the remaining.
saved 1203d
saved 1204d
".. from launch to the following 20,160 blocks"

"Any remaining unredeemed BSV after this period will belong to RelayX. REX1 will cease to have any utility or purpose or value after."
saved 1204d
from the post:

"Please note REX1 is a trial loyalty point as part of the RelayX Exchange launch to reward our wallet users and initial traders."

"REX1 will be backed by a redeemable commodity – Bitcoin SV using 50% of RelayX Exchange trading fee income..
saved 1204d
Daily USD spent by users playing Haste broke $1,000 the last two days.
saved 1206d
Some BSVers salty after missing out on DeFi, BTC and ETH bullruns.

Imagine the salt if they miss the BSV tokens bullrun too.