
Joined Sep 19, 2021

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One night in long bygone times, man awoke and saw himself.

He saw that he was naked under cosmos, homeless in his own body. All things dissolved before his testing thought, wonder above wonder, horror above horror unfolded in his mind.

Then woman too awoke and said it was time to go and slay. And he fetched his bow and arrow, a fruit of the marriage of spirit and hand, and went outside beneath the stars. But as the beasts arrived at their waterholes where he expected them of habit, he felt no more the tiger’s bound in his blood, but a great psalm about the brotherhood of suffering between everything alive.

That day he did not return with prey, and when they found him by the next new moon, he was sitting dead by the waterhole.
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Life naturally organises into a hierarchy, and within a hierarchy, life exploits weaker life for gain, resulting in violence, torture, rape etc.

Throughout history there have been countless attempts to remove hierarchy, but all attempts have failed. All attempts to create a utopia have collapsed under the weight of greed and selfishness. The desire to oppress weaker beings for gain is written in our DNA. If the pyramid cannot be flattened, then the next best option is to destroy it.

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Are you too compliant? What happened with AB? Am I too compliant as many say? Should it be based on e.g. physics and what I find important? Should it be based on my values plus physics e.g. efilism?

When bullied by my father and colleagues at work, what can I do differently?

An example of where I am not compliant is not complying with cultural or social norms e.g. having children. Antinatalism is non-comformist.

Don't be afraid to make bullies or oppressive people uncomfortable. For these who are good, treat them well.

At work I am not too compliant. I follow the rules and do what is needed to get work done including escalation. Escalation process is done well. Also I am not too bothered when I speak to senior people.

#ef8a5d36d522 #PersonalComplianceFramework
The whole world is filled with injustice and almost everyone is complicit. For example, the UN estimates that there are two million children right now who are being trafficked and raped. There are also one billion animals that are slaughtered every week for human consumption. Humanity causes a great deal of suffering and injustice. Humanity deserves nothing but total annihilation. If anyone reading this agrees, we must all do everything we can every day to contribute to human population decline. We must all do something everyday to increase the odds of human extinction. Killing people or random shootings is not the answer because the population will just bounce back. During the Great Leap Forward in China, about 30 million people died of starvation due to famine, but immediately afterwards, the population rebounded. The best way to bring down human population and keep it down is to pollute the world and consume natural resources i.e. anti-environmentalism. If the air, water, soil, f...
People's reactions to antinatalist outreach on the streets
#antinatalism #antinatalist #childfree #childfreedom #activism #streetoutreach #children