RUSH Locates

Joined May 29, 2018

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RUSH Locates
2375d · Luidwig Van Bitcoinvin
One day..
RUSH Locates
2375d · Rush Locates
531 Logus St never had a HOT
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2375d · Rush Locates
2703 Garfield St did not have a tank but their neighbor to the W clearly has one
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2375d · Rush Locates
1112 Harrison St had no tank located outside, a single copper line behind the laudry room in the CS did not appear to exit the home. There was a boat, french drain, shed, and UG irrigation
RUSH Locates
2375d · Rush Locates
13930SE Bush St has no HOT but mesh wire under old raised garden beds and had 2 cars in the DW
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2375d · Rush Locates
4504 NE Oregon St has a decom'd tank under new, rebar reinforced concrete
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2375d · Rush Locates
32720 SE Hurlburt Rd had a 5' tank running EW on the N side of the home and against the foundation. Failing septic tank and pond in BY, rebar in conc in BY, metal piping around home
RUSH Locates
2375d · Rush Locates
13532 SE Harrison Ct had a circular area 3' in diameter and 30' from home and 10' from PL which set off the large object finder and metal fencing and possible FBI but not HOT
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2375d · Rush Locates
760 SW 5th St was moved there from down the hill and had no visible signs of tanks and none were found with the metal detectors but there were large bushes around part of the home
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2375d · Rush Locates
3542 SE Cora St had Two 4' long tanks on the west side of the home under pavers
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2375d · Rush Locates
111 E 40th St had a brick chimney but nothing connecting to it and the metal detectors didn't find any buried HOTs
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2375d · Rush Locates
9394 SE Mason Cir had a car in the DW but no HOT
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2375d · Rush Locates
1114 SE 88th Ave had no major UG objects
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2375d · Rush Locates
8585 SW Sagert St had a tank on the E side of the home which, if one didn't know better, might have seemed like someone didn't want other people to find this tank
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2375d · Rush Locates
11560 SW Timothy Pl had no HOTs located but grid metal fencing under the perimeter of the back deck
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2375d · Rush Locates
6032 SE 47th Ave had metal siding and metal in part of the DW but no signs of oil tanks
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2375d · Rush Locates
8616 SE Raymond Ct had a 4' NS tank on the S side
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2375d · Rush Locates
6324 N Burrage Ave had no HOTs but had metal fencing and FBI
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2375d · Rush Locates
210W Fairfield St had a 6' long tank under the DW
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2375d · Rush Locates
12940 SW Douglas St had metal siding and a metal shed but no HOT
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2375d · Rush Locates
526 SE 128th Ave had a tank under a huge metal storage container, the previous owners owned the next door home which is DEQ cert'd but this one only has a SP letter
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2375d · Rush Locates
1010 NE 172nd Ave had 1 tank found in the FY, DEQ said they didn't actually have evidence that the second tank they mentioned ever existed
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2375d · Rush Locates
16246 SE Clinton St had a tank under conc on the S side of the home, the tank was probably 5' long and running N-S
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2375d · Rush Locates
3628 SE 49th Ave had no HOTs
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2375d · Rush Locates
2801 SE 22nd had decom'd tank approximately 8' long