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saved 960d
Im not gonna do it on twitter but it sounds like you love the state and you sound like a racist. You should take that down. Then you wonder why i say what i say.
saved 960d
Youre the first person to tell me that in my whole life...well the "u did alright face" part. Lol
saved 960d
Ahh ok you understand where i was getting at
saved 960d
God damn it ima make a video i just dont want to sound like a retard. But i wanna understand the shit at the same time fml
saved 960d
saved 960d
And no one will know because they are not on the blockchain
saved 960d
Ok so the lightning netwlrk is just second layer software that communicates with layer 1 to settle transactions. So i can print out as many tokens as i want on lightning network make payments but never communicate them to layer 1
saved 960d
Sorry wrote that shit all fucked up. Lets say the USA runs a dollar token on BSV it will still be considered layer 1 right? Cause lighting network seems like we write what we want to the blockchain and we are back to square one with centralization.
saved 960d
Twetch should make it illegal to troll toll me.
saved 960d
@2 @3 @4 @908 @3505 @292 am i seeing this correctly? Im just trying to understand everything as i go. When tokens are moved they are L1 right?
saved 960d
I know people hate craig for being "government compliant coin" but having a lets us token thats on the blockchain less decentralized then lighting network where they can just print whatever they want post to the block chain whatever they want and dont want
saved 961d
She still got it.
saved 961d
I got a feeling bsv is gonna get dumped on november 1st just these idiots sending a message...
saved 961d
saved 961d
saved 961d
I want one of those wood burning stoves they make. But they cant accept bsv so im going to have to trade fox fur or something.
saved 961d
I got it too. Wouldnt you keep the kids away from grandpa if he never got it as a kid? Of course you would.
saved 961d
Because they didnt social distance 😏
saved 961d
I just thought about this...if bitcoin our cash in the future....whats gonna happen to the amish? Craig didnt think this all the way through...
saved 961d
Oh so youre going with survival of the fittest. so if they beat small pox or chivken pox our evolution is stronger...ok...i see where youre going. But we are here becaise the smarter not the stronger
saved 961d
Im good with that
saved 961d
Tell that to all the natives that died from small pox.
saved 961d
Alrrighty then...lets say me and you become dads at the same time. They go to the same school together and we both dont believe in vaccines. My son gets the chick pox from an amish kid. Is my son still allowed to be around your son while hes sick?
saved 961d
Im not with the mandates buts again its nothing new i got the vaccine to protect my family and myself. No one forced me to do anything.
saved 961d
You know how many quack job doctors are out there? Definitely agree choose a good doctor.