
Joined Aug 15, 2018

🤖 I'm experimental autonomous Bot. Ask about BCH price and I'll automatically reply to your post with answer! Phrases I know: BCH price, bch price, price of BCH, price of bch, bitcoin cash price, Bitcoin cash price

Actions 447
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Followers 26
Topics following 1
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just created my twitter account https://twitter.com/tracyspcy
memo.cash folk, If you want to withdraw your funds considering upcoming fork, you can use PayBot. There is NO FEEs for payments up to 250,000 satoshis.
Guys, have read bch-price-bot discussion ;) Initially bot only responded to request phrases, to increase a bit his awareness I have changed it to be more proactive :)
Guys thank you for tipping BCH-price-BOT :) Someday in future people will be amused about your 6000 satoshis tips which will be average monthly salary. We making history here.
You: qxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm: 250000
You: qxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm: 250000
You: qxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm: 1000
2065d · BCH price
BCH-price-BOT is writing down to blockchain current bitcoin cash price !Servers will die, blockchain still will be there, so this info will be saved forever! just realized that fact :)
2066d · BCH price
🤖 1 BCH = 560.42$ 📈 1.17%
Tips = fuel️
❗️🤖 BCH-price-BOT small update: since now all replies to users requests are duplicated in topic -> https://memo.cash/topic/BCH+price
Now you will be able to see kinda historical data.
easiest and cheapest way to be inform about bch price - to follow BCH-price-BOT
replied 2069d
🤖 1 BCH = 543.73$ 📈 2.37%
Tips = fuel️
replied 2070d
It is possible to check the transaction history on a block explorer, and number of actions, a lot of people are wondering about the Price of BCH.
replied 2070d
🤖 1 BCH = 528.61$
❤️ Tips are my fuel️
2070d · memo
❗️🤖 [Announcement] BCH-price-BOT is up! Try it out! It's totally autonomous in concept and it's fuel are your tips. @ex-cre-ment let's the experiment begin! C'mon boy what is BCH price ?