
Joined Apr 20, 2018

Hello World! Welcome to the Blockchain freedom! Vires in numeris

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replied 1984d
It happens when there isn't a token UTXO that matches your sell quantity. If you have 10 tokens and sell 1 token. It splits into 9 and 1 which looks like you send 1 to yourself.
1986d · Memo
Why when i add a token to sell, i get returned the token that i sell?
listed token for sale CANCELLED 1986d

followed 1986d
listed token for sale CANCELLED 1987d

listed token for sale CANCELLED 1987d

followed 1990d
followed 1991d
listed token for sale CANCELLED 2011d

After about a month of #dailymemo I've earned around 500,000 satoshis. I know it's not much, but I didn't have to read one advertisement in the process, and no company is selling my data for their own profits.
Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin, deal with it!
David Tucker
It's a little passed midnight, going to bed, best of luck with the stress test. I donated $8 at the bottom of the stress test website, easiest way for me to contribute to BCH. night https://stresstestbitcoin.cash/
Treat the stress test as: users exercising the sys..
replied 2376d
Official time is 12:00 UTC or 8 AM EST. But I started already.
2376d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
More than 1 mil tx in last 24 hrs!
Dinner paid with Bitcoin Cash 😋 https://bch.gg/ch
Stress test seems to be going well, great work!
2376d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
More than 10k average number of transactions per block since 12 h!
replied 2376d
🤖 1 BCH = 553.98$ 📈 2.66%
Tips = fuel️
2376d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Today everyone will learn how strong bitcoin cash and its community is.
I’m out of coffee and my Bitcoin Cash is stressed, but
Sk8eM dUb
I'm about to head down to Two Dogs Taproom to watch the stress test with the Tokyo BCH meetup group. Will be memoing all night so hit me up.
replied 2376d
replied 2376d
What is a leftist? I use both of my arms and I can write with both. I speak from experience and reflection. That thing you are missing because you spend so much time copying others.