
Joined Apr 20, 2018

Hello World! Welcome to the Blockchain freedom! Vires in numeris

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2283d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Why is the stress test going for 24h instead of just 1h? Wouldn't it be much easier to create a huge mempool for less investment???
replied 2283d
Hmm, looks like gifv embed didn't work, I've switched them to just links for now.
replied 2283d
Data on chain is raw binary, no need to text encode it. Allowing inputing base64 pngs is a good idea, thx
voted in poll 2285d

Which client do you trust most? *Assume public knowledge for SV

Bitcoin SV

Original Bitcoin for the Win!
I strongly believe the rootcause of all our issues is the lack of education. Schools exist in any modern country. In Bhutan kids get educated to clean up trash and in Bhutan commercial promotion is totally forbidden.
replied 2285d
We also have an Android App which is way more beautiful than the web version: http://therealbitcoin.club/moveyourbch
As a kid I was forced to learn Psalm 23 and visit church once a week, at that time i thought it was fun, because i liked to sing, Buddhism has never forced a tax on people:
In good faith parents buy IPhones for their kids. When people make the choice themselves they choose Android: https://www.statista.com/statistics/260415/market-share-held-by-smartphone-operating-systems-in-japan/
replied 2284d
It is totally possible. If I have to choose between Jihan and Craig I definitely give much more credit to Jihan. Wu is in Bitcoin since the beginning and Craig tried to impose Satoshi
2284d · memo
Feature request: After opening a modal I want to have 1. a close button at the bottom so i dont have to scroll back up 2. the back button of the mobile should close the modal and esc on desktop
replied 2284d
What a good parrot you are! I prefer to think by myself and come to my own conclusions. I have one for you: Stupidity is limitless!
2283d · Craig Wright is a Fraud
Greg Maxwell, for people who don't know, is a Blockstream<-AXA<-Bilderburg employee that ran Bitcoin Core into the Segshithole it is in now. He is wrong about SV code.
2283d · Craig Wright is a Fraud
Try as trolls will, they just can't sell the idea that anti-Bitcoin, jackboot-loving losers like Greg Maxwell and Emin Sirer are telling the truth.
2299d · Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin Core The only true Bitcoin! https://bcore.org/
Thank you Google, this is an important step:
replied 2333d
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2335d
lol LN doesn't work. It's more centralzied than a bank.

replied 2333d
Bitcoin Faucet
replied 2335d
lol LN doesn't work. It's more centralzied than a bank.

Mark Byers
Core last year: You shouldn't try to make $20 payments on chain.

Core this year: You shouldn't try to make $20 payments on Lightning Network.

Feel like a new man with my bitcoin cash t-shirt from the Store at bitcoin.com
Chain death of BTC network is a real possibility wit
The winters are surprisingly warm when you have a Bitcoin Cash wallet in your pocket.