
Joined Oct 12, 2018

oh damn the boxes don't always fit, its OK to just be you

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replied 2205d
Nothing can help socialism

There is no such thing as a free cup of tea
Those that believe that shit most like still stays in moms basement
2266d · Bitcoin Cash
‪As it stands, Bitcoin (SV) holds the current record for greatest number of transactions per day at 4 million transactions. ‬
replied 2282d
Was there not a cycling funds from ico being used to buy more eos,
and then rinse repeat, thereby making sure those puling the strings of ico,will keep pulling the strings after?
2286d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
So far 450k tx!
replied 2285d
just to clear up common folk like me can still participate via scale.cash this is one of the official blasters?
2285d · playBCH_bot
Sent 10,000 sats to the winner | TXID: 94c2447fd516295afc3d34f5b351ed7bfd835bc122c51a0052c5eb70dd8e4a4d (https://playbch.cash) | Closing 554849 | Drawn: 55,722.445254 | Winner: 13,329.225538
2291d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Date for next test is SEVENTEENTH November, apologies for confusion.
2292d · Bitcoin Cash
The one where Tone Vays gets REKT
voted No 2293d
created poll 2293d
If 1% of the total cost of the product is what it takes to cover the environmental damages of that product, would you mind paying the additional 1%?
Yes 4 votes · 0 satoshis
No 4 votes · 10,000 satoshis


We need to migrate over to memo and yours from r\btc and make the trolls/ABC shills put their money where their mouth is - pay for your rudeness and madness on the BCH blockchain and at least contribute SOMETHING
voted November 15th 2293d
created poll 2293d
Mega blast stress test attempt of 5,000,000+ transactions November 15th or December 1st?
November 15th 6 votes · 125,344 satoshis
December 1st 34 votes · 164,638 satoshis
Never, tests are stupid. HODL! 0 votes · 0 satoshis


2294d · playBCH_bot
Sent 10,000 sats to the winner | TXID: f69f3e8bb7a6969911651e5931a5f1142dd7929cbb37ea1c323ddd63a77d3b83 (https://playbch.cash) | Closing 553553 | Drawn: 41,855.214614 | Winner: 41,633.357443
replied 2298d
1. number of transactions
2. comparing all nodes
3. bottlenecks distinguished, improvements made.
2299d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
*PSA* stresstestBCH2.0 will be happening sooooooon :) Bigger, better, faster than September... that'll look like a tiny blip.
replied 2298d
Mobile app.
replied 2298d
Mobile app.
replied 2298d
But there are now over 4000 users. So Memo is still growing.
Finally made the switch to BCH after extensive research. Traded all my remainder BTC for BCH today.
replied 2298d
EVERYTHING have a natural frequency and is subject to resonance. Are you telling otherwise??
voted No 2299d
created poll 2299d
Curious about the Memo community. Do you know how to code?
Yes 25 votes · 2,101 satoshis
No 11 votes · 0 satoshis


replied 2299d
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2299d
Sk8eM dUb
look what happened when herd immunity dropped we see measles outbreaks again
or did these people start drinking poop water again?
replied 2301d
You mean who is retarded enough not to get it. 80,000 people died from the flu last year.
replied 2300d
There is no blind trust. There is fact which is what you ignore. You are a conspiracy theorist. Plain and simple.
replied 2300d
Sk8eM dUb
Flu vaccine shots make sense if you belong to certain at-risk groups (elderly, pregnant,and others) where a flu disease poses a greater risk than for regular healthy adults.