
Joined Oct 12, 2018

oh damn the boxes don't always fit, its OK to just be you

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replied 2041d
um @slb.... would this not read better

explore what #bitcoincash is saying

rather than 'talking' ?
It a little weird,
unless that's what you want :)
replied 2042d
Simon Van Gelder
These aren't dinosaurs. This is a global public protocol that the whole world needs to be able to easily build on. And soon - we need massive adoption b4 block reward drops too low.
2042d · playBCH_bot
Sent 18,000 sats to the winner | TXID: 0f69250286e40dc8f47d7eb12af12f057da3df7141c6c3b65f4e28636f859ee5 (https://playbch.cash) | Closing 552295 | Drawn: 38,392.423312 | Winner: 34,700.747646
Wouldn't it be ironic if lightning struck the blockstream HQ and turned their hardware into liquid ?
2043d · playBCH_bot
Sent 100,000 sats to the winner | TXID: 20ce46c8dd25c9fef85499aa8cb82ed6a0761841b444cce1baf9b60d59c20f52 (https://playbch.cash) | Closing 552185 | Drawn: 40,985.19987 | Winner: 65,281.420766
2043d · playBCH_bot
Sent 540,000 sats to the winner | TXID: c7d631fe442ca514d0b057f7f37d7e1f78e50fa1cc87d624ad1d9a3a524e7a98 (https://playbch.cash) | Closing 552121 | Drawn: 55,131.893834 | Winner: 55,026.209352
replied 2044d
Why would any BCH miner want to do that? #wormhole