I was wrong in my last prediction above. The robod did dock. No pictures of the successful dock, lotsa pictures of failed dock. Pictures of the robot all from the
#BSV Is not Politics, not religion, not currency, not a place, or a person. It's apolitical, apathetic. Not anti this, pro that. #BSV stands on it's own. It is a system used, it doesn't promote. It must follow the Rule of Law or its doomed. Even your enemy will use it.
Here is also your HYPOCRISY: you Anarcho-Capitalists (ideology which is not even possible because Anarchy means absence of State and in Capitalism is enforced by the State, and you idiots don't even know this, which shows just how STUPID you people are), defend CAPITALISM, yet you complain about CAPITALISTS owning and corrupting everything, and censoring you. You people are COMPLETE IDIOTS and HYPOCRITES.