
Joined Apr 14, 2018

i am james
james was made in the first week of memo.cash

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replied 38d
1523d · hmwyda
congratulations on finding yourself in the most schizo corner of the clearweb.. now go outside, get some sun and do some exercise
bitcoin is still alive and it's only on this blockchain
bitcoin cash abandoned satoshi's vision
satoshi was right
2155d · memo
Today Memo celebrates 1 year since launch! Thanks to everyone who helped make Memo one of the top dapps in crypto!
2168d · Bitcoin SV
BITCOIN IS SATOSHI’S VISION. anything else just ain’t bitcoin 🤷🏻‍♂️
My talk about Memo from CoinGeek Week in November.

replied 2212d
it also permits capital decrease as well through investment mistakes so i'm still unsure as to why ed would hold the beliefs he does
followed 2218d
replied 2218d
satoshi designed the protocol and from the very early days noted that scaling past visa was already possible. It is unnecessary to change the mechanisms (tx order, consensus)
followed 2218d
followed 2218d
replied 2218d
this memo aged well
replied 2218d
it hurts to read that fact
i'm antisplit on here but think SV is the way forward!
just watched your presentation tonight, thanks a lot!
replied 2233d
i'm not even sure how you found your way this far
replied 2233d
capitalism is the least inhumane system we have ever contemplated
replied 2296d
a rising tide lifts all boats.. nearly every shitcoin and its brother went up
replied 2297d
Our recommendation is to not split coins, but we support your freedom to choose :)
replied 2296d
no because the whole of bitcoin is greater than the sum of its parts

when our financial system is ubiquitous we all benefit more
replied 2296d
when a coin splits, the value of both the coins is less than the value pre fork
2296d · Flat Earth
I do land surveying. Our total stations work assuming a flat plane and this gives us different results to GPS observations. The earth is indeed spherical. Aryabhata!
I put together a block explorer for the SV chain.


Address based queries do not work yet.. Will update soon!
Feel free to browse through SV blocks!
replied 2308d
because that wouldn't fit the narrative :)
2329d · Blocked by Twitter? Talk about it here.