Female humans are the only mammals that have enlarged breasts outside of pregnancy. Its a trait we most likely developed for attracting a male mate. like peacock feathers "hey look, reproduce with me" Outside of pregnancy they are for showing off.
The original carrot is carved from wood. Makes you wonder if its even a carrot at all and instead a tree spirit. Maybe i interpreted and colored it wrong 🤷♀️
The first step to fixing a problem is realizing there is one. If you dont like your weekend performance make a plan for next weekend before it gets here.
You are 12 days in. It takes 30 to make a habit. You're doing great!
Thanks! I made the bunny have pink eyes because my grandma used to raise meat rabbits and they had pink eyes and at the age of 4 i was convinced thats "meat rabbits" ate meat and were evil. I was absolutely terrified of bunnies until i was about 10 🤣🤣
Im complete opposite.. My parents went to the same highschool in California, got married, had my brother, had me. I lived in the same house my entire life until i met my husband (from another state) and then we bought a house in the same town i grew up.
My husband made me sign up too. Its daunting at first but just interact with some posts and look at who they are following and you'll find theres actually a lot of non-crypto conversations. Especially with all the new members joining. Enjoy!
You are doing great. 5 beers compared to 14 last week. You're really taking control!
I want to comment on the "i drank enough water to be okay with it" be careful with that. It can lead to rewarding your healthy behaviors with unhealthy ones because