Thats what they said about Enron.
They cant cover a lawsuit if they are in jail and told to cease and destroy all the fake USDT.
I’m not sure why I didn’t take the criminal component into consideration, focusing on the civil only. You’re correct, this isn’t a Craig Wright, circus act.
One possibility is that bitfinex will be too big to fail. That LEO token and a binance pairing for tether could mean enough liquid to cover lawsuit and keep on keeping on.
Saudi,USA, and the usual mob want to start a war with Iran.😥
No to War
But pumpertits, we have to (((defend the homeland))).
I like the people projects within projects and the dynamic blockchain properties, but agree on labeling and having some consensus for branding and also name recognition.
Any shot that goes into me is being tested for metal/preservative contamination. It’s not the compound that worries me, but the toxic levels of shit that have no business in our body
Ok lets pretend USDT is not a scam..what is its incentive to exist?
Why would someone create USDT and pay for its operations and make nothing back?
Well, if it’s only 70% pegged to the dollar, that 30% can be used to procure more bitcoin and artificially inflate the price to sell for more fiat or hodl and grow via scarcity.
So what did you find out from your research? also noncense crypto capital
Well, a giant fucking scam to the tune of millions. UNUS LEO and a tether/binance pair gives the group a stay of execution, but they’re up shit creek if the NYAG get to see records.
That’s if you agree with the prevailing sentiment regarding “alt coin” criteria. I see a heard mentality with popular opinion see on name recognition without due diligence.
The developer meetings on YouTube always documented a subtle, terse, feeling of friction between the programmers. I hope we can reconcile, this project is bigger than all of us.