
Joined Apr 19, 2018

Yo yo yo!

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1644d · ADD Token (Air Drop Daily)
replied 1644d
Ask the coin creator
Just in case anyone missed my recent design work for the ADD token ;)

Open for requests.
Can someone give me some sats?
replied 1657d
replied 1657d
So much hate for bch on twitter. Why are they so blind?
replied 1657d
replied 1658d
My sat count is different on member than memo.

The reddit theme is nice.

The icons at the top need labels
replied 1658d
The vendor should still confirm or decline the order first.
replied 1658d
Google dropped that from their mission statement a year or so ago.
replied 1659d
I love memo. Thank you all for being here with me!
replied 1664d
haha I never finished setting up my account 💧
Now OKEx is my crypto favourite exchange 😍
replied 1667d
Yes yes yes!
replied 1667d
Wow. How can I get some rocket toekns?
replied 1668d
The whole market looks pumped right now
replied 1670d
I meant in your feed. ☺
created poll 1671d
Do you use the memo app?
replied 1671d
Memo should allow you to follow token activity
sent · 546 sats 1671d
on - please change both css media queries from "@media screen and (min-device-width: 992px){" to "@media screen and (min-width: 992px){"
replied 1671d
and the design is slick ;)
What slp faucets exist?
replied 1671d
don't be a noob lol