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saved 1350d
Bitcoin is not censorship resistant. It's supply is not even necessarily fixed. Code can be changed and/or unwillingness to scale can lead to 2nd layer IOUs that can be inflated.

Bitcoin still has revolutionary properties around micropayments though.
saved 1350d
Lots of new people on Twetch!

Now that you have a BSV wallet, go check out some exclusive (and very fun) Numpties convos about bitcoin on Streamanity!

https://streamanity.com/[email protected]
saved 1350d
I have never followed Bill Gates on Twitter. Today I just discovered I was following him.

How tf did that happen?
saved 1350d
If you've never read "The Myth of Mental Illness" you should pick it up. Very provocative.
saved 1350d
In 2020, 2,000 job hunters used Crash to send 4,000 pitches to companies, which led to 1,000 interviews, and 350 job offers. (Those are only the interviews/offers we can confirm - there are definitely more!)

In 2021, we want to help 10,000+ job hunters.
saved 1352d
saved 1352d
Scientists believe the Klerksdorp spheres are 3 millions years old. There are dozens of them.

Yet nobody really knows what they are.

The world is mostly unknown to us.
saved 1352d
Twetch is really cool and it's fun to be here.
saved 1352d
saved 1352d
"Sure if we had a totally free market I'd be ok with people doing what they want with their biz and property. But since some laws and regs exist, government should get involved in everything."

= going the wrong direction.
saved 1352d
Twitter notifs insane bc I got mentioned in some thread debating CSW. Apparently there are people who dedicate roughly 23 hours a day refuting positive claims about Craig Wright made by randos online.

Makes CSW seem more relevant.
saved 1352d
When my son is building LEGO he calls it working, not playing, and he's usually focused, sometimes frustrated, and not always smiling.

The work/play dichotomy, and the easy=fun, difficult=not fun concept aren't the default, but mostly schooled into us.
saved 1352d
No one owes you anything, and you do not owe anything to anyone else.

But give generously and accept gladly.
saved 1353d
I think it's pretty cool that the most politically powerful person in the world can be denied service by a business.

If only more people refused to do business with politicians.
saved 1353d
Cultural problems aren't fixed with political solutions.
saved 1353d
saved 1353d
saved 1354d
saved 1354d
There were plenty of great thinkers in his time. He was not one of them.
saved 1354d
Follow some of these new people on Twetch!

A few good ones are @25134 and @13779

Who are some other new accounts to follow?
saved 1354d
I made an honest ass effort to read Marx and see what I could learn. Read Capital as well as the Manifesto.

I do not know what people see in this guy.
saved 1354d
Welcome to Twetch @25203!
saved 1354d
For 200 years, scientists and medical experts knew that scurvy was an infectious disease, because people on boats would get it at the same time.

But it's not an infectious disease. It's a vitamin deficiency.

To do science means to challenge science.
saved 1355d
"Optimism is survival" -- Matthew McConaughey
saved 1355d
I would call professional libertarians a threat to liberty, but they're not nearly relevant enough.