
Joined May 02, 2018

Free markets, free minds and incorruptible money.

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🤳 spreading BCH how ‘bout you?
2106d · 每日聖經金句
「上帝能照著運行在我們心裏的大能充充足足地成就一切,超過我們所求所想的。」 ‭‭以弗所書‬ ‭3:20‬ ‭
I was recently shadow-banned from Twitter after posting "Assange is a hero" on an obvious shill post calling him a rapist. Fuck you, Twitter.
2106d · Capitalism
2106d · Capitalism
You don't need to time the market in order to make consistent
2106d · US Politics/Trump
Those who demonize money are just as deluded as those who worship it. Two sides of the same poorly adjusted coin.
2106d · US Politics/Trump
Demonizing money is silly. Like demonizing the internet because "we could just talk to each other in real life" No, money is an amazing emergent tool that makes civilization possible.
2106d · US Politics/Trump
Money is not worthless, it is a tool for propagating essential price signals across the economy. Your think even a socialist on a BCH forum would understand that.
2107d · 每日聖經金句
「所以我告訴你們,凡你們禱告祈求的,無論是甚麼,只要信你們已經得著了,就為你們實現。」 ‭‭馬可福音‬ ‭11:24
replied 2108d
Thank you. Let me know when it’s ready. I’m going much heavier on September 1st. I don’t mind txblaster taking a portion for the work done
2108d · Fire Amaury Sechet
Links to his proposals? Also for the record there were many people who forked in unison not just A Sechet so don't attribute the creation to him as it has been Satoshi's since Genesis
followed 2108d
2108d · Capitalism
Cultivator if ideas, incubator of ideas, and equality in opportunity is capitalism to me. But it can be tampered with by power and influence. Decentralize it. #corruptionfree
2108d · Capitalism
Decentralisation works great with capitalism. Goes hand in hand woth the free markets and capitalism.
2108d · Capitalism
“But, as it is, we have the wolf by the ear, and we can neither hold him nor safely let him go. Justice is in one scale, and self-preservation in the other.”
2108d · Capitalism
@Dogeman can you give us your preferred definition of "capitalism?"
2108d · Capitalism
Once you get on the tiger, it is difficult to get off. 骑虎难下
2108d · Capitalism
Yes, in China it is all the economy. The economy is the new Mandate of Heaven. If it stops raining, the emperor is gonna get shanked.
2108d · Capitalism
Conditional is the key word, almost everyone will put their vote (with their wallet, feet ballot) to the economic growth, but without it there is hope for distrust and change of systems.
2108d · Capitalism
Yes, they are ahead of the curve in terms of surveillance and political repression in the same way Japan was ahead of the curve in terms of interest rate and social repression back in the 90s
2108d · Capitalism
Yeah, the average person still trusts the government, because not understanding history or econ why wouldn't you when on paper they have made you rich? That trust is very conditional though.
2108d · Capitalism
Yeah, the west is in trouble but compared to China it is still incredibly free. There is no 4chan in China except in a very dusty corner of the dark net. =)
2108d · Capitalism
My guess is it will be a dud, but maybe that's just my personal optimism talking.
2108d · Capitalism
Haha, that's a good way of putting it. A totalitarian Manhattan project. We'll probably get to see how well it performs in the field in the not to distant future. 🍿🍿🍿
2108d · Capitalism
Can't trust polls or media here at all. People will respond to questions in public in the way they believe is politically correct. In private you often hear a different story.