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saved 972d
Peppers of all shapes & colours,
Thriving together while maintaining diversity,
Whether it be fruit, vegetables or medicine
Claim your sovereignty in the soil,
Create your Gaian garden of Eden 🌵🍄🌿
The Gaian Mind - The Devine Light - The Mind of God 👁
saved 975d
Hona - First Commitment ✅
Wim Hoff breathing everyday for the past month!
Invigorated, oxygenated and better at breathing deeper,
My resting heart rate is slower 🤔
I reckon mr Wim Hoff has the answer 👌

PB breath hold - 3min 10sec 😬
saved 978d
Northern Lights,
Evening insights into life,
Waiting for that perfect moment to bloom into flower
Bringing bliss and happiness to my gardener 🌿
saved 979d
Original Song 'Pristine' (Official Music Video)
"An authentic roots rock groove with reminiscence of reggae and ska."
saved 983d
Cursed with ignorance,
Found bliss in wisdom,
Knowledge is the kingdom 🌵🍄👁
saved 988d
Unless cartel pirates are making you walk the plank 😬
saved 989d
Church of Saint Pedro 🌵👁✨
saved 990d
Anyone wishing to join me in cosmic dancing is more than welcome 😉
saved 990d
🐄💩🍄Blue Meanie🍄💩🐄
saved 996d
👀 My reward for walking through the woods this morning 🤣
Who reckons I should eat em all 🤔 ???
Branch if you would dare! 🍄😉👁🌏🌿
saved 996d
Look at my reward for walking through the woods this morning 🤣
Who reckons I should eat em all at once?
Branch if you would dare! 🍄👁✨🌿
saved 1000d
5 Grams of Psilocybin 🍄 = 👁
Aliens landed and joined me for a cuppa on my patio!
What did you see? Are you game to dissolve the boundaries?
Are you open to the higher levels of consciousness?
saved 1004d
Gorilla Glue Flowering For You
saved 1005d
What if you love bongs?
saved 1005d
Keep it up dude, so good to see people using twetch to share the truth 🙏
saved 1013d
Joined :-) $lachlangrantsplendor
saved 1190d
saved 1229d
Hey 👋
Are you sheltered from the wind & rain?
Can you cope with pressure and the pain?
Find faith in the fire and it’s flame?
I promise I won’t burn you again 🙏

Will things ever be the same?
No, things things will never be the same!
saved 1235d
Music artist - Lachlan Grant Splendor

Original songs streaming on a all digital music platforms 🎶🎵🔈

Artist website - www.splendormusic.com

Appreciate your support 🤙
saved 1235d
Everything is a constellation✨
Of many other smaller things🌿
With the wind he breathes🍃
Within his mind he see’s 👁
The pieces of the puzzle🪐
And how they fit together so perfectly ❄️
My name is Lachy and this is me 🤙
I love music & philosophy 🎵🍄🌵👁
saved 1240d
Paving the way for the world to trade baby 🎵🎶
saved 1240d
Be unique in your position
Don’t be an agent for a broken system
Find something to believe in 🙏
This is really happening..
The spirits are no longer hiding
The world is awakening 👁
Nature is ascending 🌵
Consciousness is key 🍄
Truth will set us free 👌
saved 1241d
The flame is lit 🔥 the light will shine
Sober up & you will be fine
Guilty pleasure & dirty food
They tempted & addicted you
They’ve needed to enslave you
But they needed you to choose
Influencing you to feel you need to
But really you don’t need to ✌️