Amazons logo looks like a giant penis.
Can you produce a valid argument against a resource based economy?
Res will be spread so thin none will benefit.
& production of e.g. pencil requires consumption of e.g. wood
& production of e.g. pencil requires consumption of e.g. wood
& production of e.g. pencil requires consumption of e.g. wood
wood was produced as was the pencil
Image and Youtube support added
Consumption is not capitalism. Production is.
I will do a push up for every like that i get.
let's get the tx count up. like the next 10 new posts you see. GO
wrong, cap is producing more than you consume. its productive not dest
All participation in capitalism is ultimately destructive.
cap is inherently productive. not destructive
All participation in capitalism is ultimately destructive.
profit is the diff of (productn - consumptn)
All participation in capitalism is ultimately destructive.
wrong, cap is producing more than you consume
@memo - Can we get (min|hours|days ago) time stamp on posts for ease of use?
Relative to user local time of course. TY
@memo - Can we get (min|hours|days ago) time stamp on posts for ease of use?
BCH BLOCK POPPED 1000 transactions;Crossed BTC! This is getting serious! 🤩
Im replying to help the cause.
I intentionally memo post to help BCH network effect. Users matter. Not Hodl
Bitcoin Cash is now back on track to pass ripple!
r/bitcoin will lose their shit over it
Very nice theme update. Love the embedded reply's. Thank you for your effort.
Gotta say I though blockpress was going to win but memo is coming in hot!