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saved 1177d
I said: you ought to get a pre retirement promotion or what !
Father said: Today I teach you a lesson son, never be lazy to reach your goal. I am 50 years old, and I got my masters with excellence. If I could do this, you can do better son !
saved 1177d
Despite I want BSV to go above and beyond $2000 I am ready to accept your offer.
Bare in mind I will use your reward to buy $BSV or HOLD it if it is #BSV already
saved 1177d
saved 1178d
Lovely and delicious !
Suitable for every moment.
I buy them every day.
I have just ate them for breakfast 😁
saved 1178d
saved 1179d
Nobody knows #TheStig but everyone believes in what he does.
I don't have to know who you are. I just need to know what you do. And so far I believe in what you are doing. So I follow you @35115
saved 1179d
saved 1179d
Worst feeling ever is to live in a country that banned cryptocurrency and not being able to invite people to join @852 without feeling like a fugitive.
Despite the struggle, I will keep going in what I believe in.
Freedom !
saved 1179d
Father enrolled in a masters course. I was confused seeing him do so while being 2 yrs away from retirement. It took him one heck of an effort to finally graduate with excellence. He then said son: "Do you know why did I do it ?"
saved 1179d
Back in 2015, I was about to graduate Masters in Automation. I had gotten stressed because I was late in my thesis and I was frustrated not reaching results. My father had noticed me losing grip. He decided to do something unique.
saved 1194d
Honestly only a short minded person would see crypto as a barrier to development or as an evil invention. Some governments rush to ban it for not understand they would be dethroned by humble people that utilize the Blockchain efficiently. Embrace Freedom.