Any recommendations for making discoverability better? Do you also check out the new posts page?
“Last 24 hours” should only show posts made in the last 24 hours. Currently it’s something like “posts with the most activity in last 24 hours” which leads 2 seeing old posts
4) by these people. Their plan would have worked if Hillary had won. Luckily she did not. Deep State has tried to impeach Trump for Russia which is a lie they are using to concealing the
Agreed no need to cause devision in the BCH community. We are not core.
I agree 1000% @💯Neal Gentry🔤🔗🏁 and that is why I applaud you for your recent trxs. u made on the unified Memo Protocol ONLY. Boycott the Copy/Paste BlockPress "protocol"!
BigRichBank "How can we stop bitcoin? They are destroying us!" ReallySmartGuy "Well we can infiltrate their ranks with a technology so complex it will never be finished"
If I post this same Memo on BlockPISS then I've double spent my BCH between 2 protocols that do the same thing. That is what @Roger Ver, @Ryan X. Charles, and @Kurt Wuckert Jr r doing.
Why do you hate BP so much? Seems like you are running an active campaign against it. I like Memo more too, but chill with the BP fuck posts.
Have you offered proof that you're actually Mcafee?
Likes but never Tips so probably Real McAfee as another Name pointd out. But all joking aside @OfficialMcafee is a real ass Memooa on Memo. His transaction count is about to hit 2,000!
^^^ good idea. or maybe at least just allow people to click a post in a topic to expand the replies, instead of clicking a small link and being directed to a different page
all BCH wallets need to implement the memo-protocol; wallets should start by implementing memo-profiles as `contacts`; this would make public people searchable & tip-able from any wallet
BCH wallets should heed the example of Venmo (a Paypal product). Not sure if by default or not, I can see transactions of a person who paid me, and their friends, and friends friends.