Wandering through Tokyo ⛩️ today and stopping at a couple places to spend Bitcoin Cash ☕. Making a habit of finding a place each week to spend and support growth. #dailymemo
If you are an active memo user and would like to receive some memo tokens, please send me your simpleledger address. The more active user you are, the more tokens you will get. There are only 1000 Memo tokens.
The main difference is that ABC will be ETH 2.0 and BSV will be capable of 1 TB blocks in the near future. Also ABC gets driven by people out for profit instead of creating a world currency
I'm willing to bet that BCH will have larger sustained blocks before BSV. As soon as Graphene is fully activated in BU and ported to ABCs XThinner, it will be an indisbutable reality.
Because the more you know Bitcoin, the more likely you are to dislike what ABC has done to Bitcoin. Memo users are more likely to know Bitcoin, thus more likely to disagree with ABC.
The opposite, the more you understand Bitcoin, the more likely you are to like BCH!