Ether price is now higher than BCH. People are stupid and BCH is clearly super cheap right now. Buy them up before the market figures out what's going on.
Where is the crypto world really when Litecoin can take the 4th spot based on some corny bogus Mimble Wimble news? Another one of Charlie Lee's bogus pump and dumps. Nothing new.
Bitcoin Cash notes are now available for purchase. Kind of pricey at about 4.00 a pop, but they say as more people buy the price will come down. I bought 5 myself to check them out.
Marco Coino has been kind of dead the last few weeks. Kind of disappointing. Hopefully it's just because businesses are not adding their business to the app.
Did coinbase forget they owe some people some BSV coins? There hasn't been an update on anything since Nov 26th. Getting tired of waiting. This is ridiculous.
Trump is not a Republican. He is a Narcissistic failed businessman who is only doing what's good for him. He will screw anybody that allows him to do so. And there are many.
Etro not supporting BSV but giving BCH holders 92.00 in Fiat per BCH coin they held on Nov 15th. BSV going to have a very long road if it ever becomes adopted. Not for me.
I think Trump shutting down the government just killed the rally. Dow fell 650 points. Since all crypto is still speculation it will more than likely tank with other markets.
Satoshi Vision is the absolute worst name for a coin. I couldn't imagine Microsoft being called Gates Vision or Apple being called Jobs Vision. Bitcoin Cash way better than Satoshi Vision.
Just looked at the Dish Network Bitpay app. Pay your bill using BCH network fee less than a penny, or pay your Bill with BTC network fee .30. Sorry no BSV.