Just remember, the #GreatDepression was caused by Goldman Sachs and their new product the "mutual fund", which enabled them to dump their risk on unsuspecting investors until it crashed.
I call them Goldman Suchs because nobody manipulates the market more than they do with their fake analysts
BMPCASH is just pissed at Roger Ver because Roger Ver didn't help him fund a project. .He hasn't let it go for years. I put him on Mute. That's his real bitterness towards Roger.
I called Naomi Brockwell out on doing a segment on the truth about Bitcoin and she muted me. LOL She would rather keep interviewing those BTC pump losers. She is a failure as an actress and crypto.
I clicked on an article about Russia not legalizing libra coin. I noticed an advertisement on the right to purchase crypto and they had BTC, LTC, ETH, EOS listed and no BCH. They can only suppress BCH for so long.
He probably owns Bitcoin, started the trade war with China so that Bitcoin goes up, and then bashes it so nobody knows. Exactly what he does with everything. Narcissist.
So I guess Zuckerfuck is responsible for crashing the entire crypto market because of his stupid Libra coin. People don't realize the difference between centralized and decentralized. I guess it's a buying opportun.
What do you think the difference is between hanging around in a Cardano group or a BCH group?
What I noticed: in BCH every day new updates, in ADA once a month and it ain't much.
It's obvious that BCH has been the chosen one to become cash for the world as it's the first coin that can accomplish it with the highest market cap. All other coins will be secondary.
I don't watch your stuff anymore unless you do a segment on BCH. I don't get paid to stand behind BCH. I do it because it's the real Bitcoin. I could careless about other cryptos.
IF BCH will be cash for the world, we should see less selling out of BCH than the other coins. Clearly not happening yet. Also the Theory "Utility creates value" isn't happening yet either.