George Donnelly

Joined Apr 17, 2018

B2B tech blogger & freelance copywriter. Fiction editor. Sci-fi author. Building $BCH mass adoption @BCHLatam. Currently running a crowdfunding/ITO at

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set profile 1779d
B2B tech blogger & freelance copywriter. Fiction editor. Sci-fi author. Building $BCH mass adoption @BCHLatam. Currently running a crowdfunding/ITO at
We're now selling our PAN tokens permissionlessly on the SLP token DEX

Several offers up

Request a custom offer anytime

More info:
followed 1779d
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I wrote a manifesto. All big projects must proceed from a clear and compelling version, an undeniable WHY.
followed 1844d
followed 1844d
followed 1844d
replied 1844d
Likewise, thanks!
I'm looking for the highest quality, latest/best #BitcoinCash logos / brand assets.

What is the best place for these?

Do I use orange or green?
followed 1845d
replied 1845d
Can you email me? I will invite you into it. [email protected]
muted 1845d
replied 1845d
Awesome, we need you. We have a Slack and I will be posting updates here
My Latam team will be going after piece of $200mm BCH dev fund

We are 17+ in 7 nations and we have a killer plan + work in bag

Always looking for new members who add value

Esp devs
replied 1845d
It's an easy way for people to get into this space with no risk. And if I read it correctly creating your own SLP token costs 1/10th of a USD cent. Crazy cheap.
replied 1845d
LOL, thanks! SLP tokens are fun. :)