
Joined Apr 15, 2018

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Actions 453
Following 79
Followers 16
Topics following 10
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followed 2177d
2177d · Marx
2178d · Your Memo Score
Post the percentage score you see next to your own name in memo. I got 34%. Who has the high score?
Thank you Google, this is an important step:
2179d · Anarchism
This Mexican village kicks out police and politicians, crime rates plummet.
2179d · solitude-betroom
All winnings are posted now. This concludes my memo bookie career. Thanks everyone for trusting me, special thanks to @aquaticApe, @HeavyArms and @BoBo; my biggest bettors. Bye for now!
Memo Update:
- Mini profiles when hovering usernames
- Sort profiles by newest
- Dashboard default only shows posts
- Added "top" posts back
followed 2181d
replied 2182d
That's the spirit! Please convince all your BCH hater friends to go and bring down the blockchain by using it!
i made something called chaintrend, a powerful OP_RETURN trend analytics engine, powered by For example, here's a graph of topic posts vs. normal posts on Memo:
#BitcoinCash is the last peer to peer electronic cash system in the top 10 coins ranked by marketcap.
2185d · Capitalism
thank you LR for building yet another floating castle in the sky off a distant horizon with no bridge from here to there.
2186d · Favorite Quotes
Hey my raspberry pi node is down for a few days for maintenance. Sorry if the network is less secure for the next few days as my full node is not processing any transactions right now.
2186d ·
Spamming the blockchain is not going to add value to BCH. We need natural velocity.
followed 2186d
2194d · memo
Don't have much free time these days but I haven't given up working on my memo app. There's some UI errors but those will be fixed:
2186d · Buttcoin
Does no one else find it amusing that they call it cryptocurrency but you're not allowed to spend it?
2186d · Favorite Quotes
"Blockstream doesn't make profit on what Bitcoin CAN do. Blockstream makes money on what Bitcoin CANNOT do."
2187d · Medicine
America in one image
2187d · memo
when re-memo
Mark Byers
Core last year: You shouldn't try to make $20 payments on chain.

Core this year: You shouldn't try to make $20 payments on Lightning Network.
The Crypto Stoic
The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts. -- Marcus Aurelius
voted Yellow 2187d
created poll 2220d
The Bitcoin Cash logo. Which color looks best?
Green 32 votes · 103,927 satoshis
Yellow 2 votes · 1,111 satoshis
I prefer variety 1 votes · 0 satoshis
