iru 🐸

Joined Jun 01, 2018


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2086d · US Politics/Trump
2087d · US Politics/Trump
2087d · Trump @War
2091d · iamverysmart
2091d · 🧀
Fucking capitalist :DDD
2091d · 🧀
🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭🐭 the cheese is causing a mouse invasion
2093d · Vaccines
And then I see MSM clowns like John Oliver promote the incredible safety of vaccines (because total numbers) not even comparing them to the status quo. And ridicule anti vaxxers. Hmmmmmmm....
2093d · Vaccines
I think my question of who really profits from vaccination was partly answered with this basic research.
2093d · Vaccines
Manufacturing cost / price for the shots in USD: Tetanus: 0.17 - 0.65 / 25-50, Diphteria: 0.12 - 0.99 / 25, Pertussis: ? / 15, Polio: 0.25 / 25, profit margins are around: 1000% up to 20000%
2093d · Vaccines
On top of that vaccination does not even grant a 100% protection against the diseases. Pertussis for instance: 71-85%
2093d · Vaccines
SV40 was found to cause tumors in rodents. More recently, the virus was found in certain forms of cancer in humans, for instance brain and bone tumors, pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma [...]
2093d · Vaccines
In 1960, the rhesus monkey kidney cells used to prepare the poliovirus vaccines were determined to be infected with the Simian Virus-40. SV40 is a naturally occurring virus that infects monkeys.
2093d · Vaccines
In 1949, 68 of 606 children (10%) died after diphtheria immunization due to improper manufacture of aluminum phosphate toxoid
2093d · Vaccines
Reminder: Death in 1949 was roughly (2 in 1'000'000) compared to the "low" (3 in 1'000'000) rate of the brain injury cases.
2093d · Vaccines
Despite this allegation, doctors recommended the vaccine due to the overwhelming public health benefit, because the claimed rate was very low (one case per 310,000 immunizations)
2093d · Vaccines
During the 1980s, a controversy erupted related to the question of whether the whole-cell pertussis component caused permanent brain injury in rare cases, called pertussis vaccine encephalopathy.
2093d · Vaccines
These are just excerpts. Based on official documents. On top of that much more stuff isn't even documented.
2093d · Vaccines
Pertussis: 1949: vaccine goes to market (350 deaths per year), 1955: 320 deaths per year. Does this even work? Extreme complications today are 400x more likely to happen than death in 1949.
2093d · Vaccines
HHE is defined as an acute diminution in sensory awareness or loss of consciousness accompanied by pallor and muscle hypotonicity.1 Variously described as shock, collapse or HHE.
2093d · Vaccines
Diptheria: 1950: 460 deaths (3 in 1'000'000) (8000 flu deaths), 1974: vaccine enters market. Chance of a vacced baby to have HHE (1 in 1750). A roughly 600x higher chance of severe effects today.
2093d · Vaccines
According to official documents 1 in 1'000'000 human who gets vaccinated against polio contracts the disease and gets paralyzed. Same chances as dying to polio in 1960.
2093d · Vaccines
Polio deaths in the US: 1949: 2100 - 4200, 1960: 125-250 (ca. 1 in 1'000'000), 1961: Application of vaccine. We see even before the vaccine the disease was almost extinct. (Flu deaths 1960: 7500)
2093d · Vaccines
Means a profit of round about 22.5 - 45 billion USD. Just for one vaccine applied to all americans. Crazy isn't it? And the list goes on:
2093d · Vaccines
Say you vaccinate the whole US. 1 Dose of Tetanus vaccine costs between 0.1 - 0.5 USD to produce and is sold at 25 to 50 USD. 3 Doses required to get 100% immunity. Times the population.
2093d · Vaccines
This also does not account for the hygienic advancements that took place between 1940 and today. Nowadays I would assume we would have even less deaths due to Tetanus for instance.