iru 🐸

Joined Jun 01, 2018


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replied 1988d
Disagree. I'm a BSV supporter, and I want to see if Bitcoin 0.1 can scale. We've tried literally everything else, but not the original protocol.
replied 1990d
Probably also Jihan as his IPO is going down the drain. So he needs someone to drop his bags on.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 1991d
Hahah nooo, if you stop obeying the mafia - they KILL you.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 1991d
I'll follow the white paper before I follow a dev or a crowd. I understand the original design of Bitcoin. I don't understand how "Bitcoin" Cash BCH works.
1991d · Bitcoin SV
Anyone on SV side want to chip in a small amount of Satoshis my way so I can keep pissing Roger Ver Minions off? Otherwise I'm broke for a few days until I travel to a Bitcoin ATM. #BitcoinSV #BSV #nChain #CoinGeek
replied 1991d
Hell no we sold abc 3.3 ratio some did better.. so BSV holders who sold BAB.. have 3 to 4 times the coin and has gone up in value 😎
1995d · #911Truth
Again Sam. RETARDED.
meeting @memo's Jason,
a highlight of the conference.

Putting faces to names
and hearing the direction of this platform

I am Jihan. Hello Memo!
1996d · Bitcoin SV
Hardware wallet? You can use an old cell phone without a SIM card.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 1997d
And if Roger or Aumary do something you don't like with ABC what will you do?
replied 1998d
What if you die or lose wallet access? There are legit uses for this re-mining of such addresses. Just don't leave them forever like that, move them every few years & you're fine.
1997d · Bitcoin Cash
I fucked up so bad supporting Amaury. I should have supported Satoshi exclusively

SEC Chairman: Blockchain is powerful "but you need to follow our securities laws"
SEC Chairman Jay Clayton chatted with me about those who try to skirt securities regulations.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 1998d
That's great but most people aren't going to buy $100 of Bitcoin(and pay a 5-10% fee) just to buy something on Amazon. is for holders and that means exposure to RISK
Sk8eM dUb
replied 1999d
Let me repeat, there will be NO massive adoption of Bitcoin as money until the price swings are within a small range year to year. It will be a commodity ledger first, or it will die.
replied 1999d
on twitter. He released a statement. Go and follow ryan x charles and money button and you won't have to scroll down far. None of the SV crowd use reddit anymore. r/btc is all ABC now
White men are people too
1998d · Globalism
You do not accept a new agreement on the basis that "I cannot see at the moment that there is power behind it to enforce it", you accept a new agreement if it is a good agreement.
1998d · Bitcoin Cash
So for VISA level of txs per second (1000200txs/block), CTOR will cut down about 2.2MB of ordering info from graphene if I get this right.
replied 2001d
Stiff. If you're looking for an echo chamber, there's always /r/btc