Screen saver mode ends, but code remains + new interface.
E.g. Vegetables to God;Seeds resurrect, not all to same end
Logic for resurrection is from symmetry of spacetime&water.
It's focused on abrahamic, but helps explain a wide range.
Love neighbor as self, therefore.
Survival reflects; but survival is communal, not just solo.
So, we reflect ever existent code that runs interface.
DNA reflects laws of nature (just as hurricanes//galaxies
Nodes ready for 15th? Need volunteers to remind? Lmk.
Core minions getting more and more desperate :-)
Exciting time! Use coming wealth wisely for human survival.
... why would 1MB be the answer? Why not 400KB? Why not 200KB?
Like this memo, reply and follow for 20,000 sats, even if you already follow!
Added basic reputation system with personalized feed to help filter spam
Like this memo, reply and follow for 20,000 sats, even if you already follow!
BTCers fundraise for frivolous lawsuit. BCH fundraises to feed Venezuelans.
This week Argentina peso drops 3.06 %, but i don't care cuz iam on BCH 😀
Feature request: A poll feature.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:30
Massive on-chain scaling - let's do this!