
Joined Jun 08, 2018

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2216d · Bitcoin Cash
Conclusions: most people dgaf about Bitcoin, the wallet is great for beginners, my home town is firmly in the "no interest" camp but I travel a lot for work so there's some hope
2216d · Bitcoin Cash
>> 78/100: Didn't know what Bitcoin is and wasn't interested in adoption once I explained (usually just a "no", sometimes a "what's that?" then dismissive "oh, OK" after my explanation)
2216d · Bitcoin Cash
>> 17/100: Didn't know what Bitcoin is, said they would look into it later (I usually said to look up, BitPay and Coinbase for starters) but I didn't get to check up on them
2216d · Bitcoin Cash
>> 1/100: Had heard of Bitcoin, said they would look into it later, when I went back the next week they had a mobile wallet and let me pay in BCH
2216d · Bitcoin Cash
>> 1/100: Used to accept Bitcoin but no one used it, sold everything last year, horrified by the fees, decided crypto was useless for retail and uninterested in BCH
2216d · Bitcoin Cash
>> 1/100: Used to accept Bitcoin but no one used it so they stopped (a pizza place in Hamburg I went to specifically because it was listed on a Bitcoin merchant map)
2216d · Bitcoin Cash
>> 1/100: Had heard of Bitcoin and downloaded his first wallet just to let me pay in BCH
2216d · Bitcoin Cash
>> 1/100: Restaurant didn't accept it but my waiter downloaded a mobile wallet so I could tip him in BCH
2216d · Bitcoin Cash
>> 0/100: "Sure, just scan here"
2216d · Bitcoin Cash
4/ I kept a note of the responses and just reached 100, so I thought I'd share the results I got from these 100 places:
2216d · Bitcoin Cash
3/ I carry the mobile wallet so am ready to pay in BTC or BCH. I decided to ask about "Bitcoin" then prioritise BCH, only using BTC if that was really the only option.
2216d · Bitcoin Cash
2/ The rule is, I can only pay with cash or card if I've already asked at least once about Bitcoin. I thought: I want to pay with Bitcoin and that'll never happen if I don't ask.
2216d · Bitcoin Cash
1/ So my new year's resolution 2018 was to ask "Do you accept Bitcoin?" whenever I'm paying at a new place. Doesn't matter where: restaurant, supermarket, big-box retailer, street vendor...
2216d · ULPT - Unethical Life Pro Tips
ULPT: Re-post the top unethical LPTs of all time from Reddit in order to farm tips on
replied 2217d
2218d · Atomic swaps
And yes I know that 1g of Hydrogen contains 6.02×10²³ atoms so even if you owned every last Bitcoin, at 1 sat/atom you could afford less than a microgram of the lightest element on earth.
2218d · Atomic swaps
I too wish to buy 1 atom of pizza for 1 satoshi.
2218d · 1 whole BCH opportunity
@PewDiePie88 I'm guessing the 88 = HH = "Heil Hitler"? PewDiePie identity confirmed, I guess ¯\_(⚆ _ ⚆)_/¯
2218d · Memes
¯\_(⚆ _ ⚆)_/¯
2218d · Memes
Memes on a blockchain? ⚆ _ ⚆
2218d · Bitcoin Cash
"Bank the unbanked" and "be your own bank" are more than just words. Friendly reminder: r/Bitcoin removes posts like this just for mentioning tx fees:
2222d · crypto-monnaies
de Cryptoville, 10 rue de la node
2218d · Capitalism
@ED is there a nation or system in history that you don't hate, one you respect and wish would be replicated?
2219d · Favorite Quotes
"The best time to buy Bitcoin was 2009. The second best time is now" - Chinese proverb
2220d · The-One-Law
So your one law has no problem with: lying, burglary, pickpocketing, destruction of property or sex between consenting siblings, parent/child couples, live humans and corpses (animal or human)?