Tap on the NFC reader, company credit card gets charged $5, app deducts $5 in BCH from your exchange balance. Company makes profit from a small margin on the exchange rate.
I would really like a mobile app that was a mix of handcash and Android/Apple pay. User fills exchange address with crypto, can pay in fiat via NFC readers everywhere.
You just said workers get "murdered for questioning the capitalist system", but now you're saying the capitalists will be murdered as if it's a good thing for people to be murdered over ideology
I love a good analogy so I think TxStreet is awesome, great job! Suggestion: it might be cool to display the median fee on the buses themselves (like a ticket price or something)
In 2013 you'd be hard pressed to find a Bitcoiner who wouldn't legalise every drug under the sun if he could. In 2018 things are different, plenty of left and right authoritarians who dgaf.
However I don't think the crypto community at large (moonkids and all) care, they'd rather just shake off the crimey reputation of the Silk Road and ride institutional money to the moon
Crypto communities might skew libertarian but there are other ideologies present, even Marxists hopeful that a new monetary system will finally permit capitalism to fall the way Marx predicted
Honestly "every ASIC disappearing" is a fantasy, but there is the prospect of a hashpower squeeze that self-reinforces and tanks the network, to which BTC is the most vulnerable
Realistically, if it ever takes a year to mine a block it will be because the network hashrate suddenly dropped by a huge margin (e.g. every ASIC miner leaves the network simultaneously)
Fun fact: the average time until the next block is mined is ALWAYS 10 mins, even if it's been 5 mins, 30 mins or a year since the last block was mined.
Possible doomsday: democrats win big majority in congress in midterms > successfully impeach Trump > Trump refuses to leave office, Trump-supporting civilian militias start civil war
Trump is a worst case scenario. If the US survives in its current form to see a 46th president we can thank those white-wigged statesmen of yore for engineering an extremely robust state.
Trump and Trumpism are a useful stress test of the checks and balances designed over the last 2.5 centuries to restrict wannabe tyrants with huge populist followings.
What would be the technical problems with a memo app that streamed video/audio/images from magnet links (like PopcornTime) and embedded them like imgur links?
Okay, just feeling out your position. Of course NAP produces the same results so I agree with all of them, just seemed like your definition of "harm" would fail to protect property.
Conclusions: most people dgaf about Bitcoin, the Bitcoin.com wallet is great for beginners, my home town is firmly in the "no interest" camp but I travel a lot for work so there's some hope
>> 78/100: Didn't know what Bitcoin is and wasn't interested in adoption once I explained (usually just a "no", sometimes a "what's that?" then dismissive "oh, OK" after my explanation)