
Joined Jun 08, 2018

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2457d · Bitcoin Cash
2/ The rule is, I can only pay with cash or card if I've already asked at least once about Bitcoin. I thought: I want to pay with Bitcoin and that'll never happen if I don't ask.
2457d · Bitcoin Cash
1/ So my new year's resolution 2018 was to ask "Do you accept Bitcoin?" whenever I'm paying at a new place. Doesn't matter where: restaurant, supermarket, big-box retailer, street vendor...
2457d · ULPT - Unethical Life Pro Tips
ULPT: Re-post the top unethical LPTs of all time from Reddit in order to farm tips on
replied 2459d
2459d · Atomic swaps
And yes I know that 1g of Hydrogen contains 6.02×10²³ atoms so even if you owned every last Bitcoin, at 1 sat/atom you could afford less than a microgram of the lightest element on earth.
2459d · Atomic swaps
I too wish to buy 1 atom of pizza for 1 satoshi.
2459d · 1 whole BCH opportunity
@PewDiePie88 I'm guessing the 88 = HH = "Heil Hitler"? PewDiePie identity confirmed, I guess ¯\_(⚆ _ ⚆)_/¯
2459d · Memes
¯\_(⚆ _ ⚆)_/¯
2459d · Memes
Memes on a blockchain? ⚆ _ ⚆
2459d · Bitcoin Cash
"Bank the unbanked" and "be your own bank" are more than just words. Friendly reminder: r/Bitcoin removes posts like this just for mentioning tx fees:
2460d · Capitalism
@ED is there a nation or system in history that you don't hate, one you respect and wish would be replicated?
2460d · Favorite Quotes
"The best time to buy Bitcoin was 2009. The second best time is now" - Chinese proverb
2461d · The-One-Law
So your one law has no problem with: lying, burglary, pickpocketing, destruction of property or sex between consenting siblings, parent/child couples, live humans and corpses (animal or human)?
2461d · Halving
Well, 2 years is a looooooong time in crypto. I'd expect a totally different market outlook by then. If not BCH/BTC flippening then maybe ETH/BTC flippening. Who knows what could happen?
2461d · Flat Earth
I honestly believe that a GIF of a man shitting off a moving skateboard provides more of value to the human race than a thousand flat-Earther posts.
2461d · Flat Earth
Ah, so this is the dumpster fire topic where we store all our shitposts immutably on the blockchain? Allllllrighty then...
2461d · Marx
Well I'm sorry but knowledge workers in white shirts pushing pencils and papers around (or in this day and age, emails and spreadsheets) are doing Real Work.
2461d · Marx
If you aren't wielding a heavy tool in your glistening, muscular, propaganda-poster arms, you're a "capitalist" and only serve to exploit the Real Men who do the Real Work.
2461d · Marx
Socialists have a kind of macho fetish for the back-breaking physical labour of the miner or the farmhand, with a complementary disgust for the pencil-pushers who often run those enterprises.
2461d · Marx
You don't sacrifice your time via work, you sacrifice security by risking your capital on equity in a company that could fail. If there were no reward for it, no one would take the risk.
2461d · Marx
Your contribution to society is that you provide demand for equity in successful businesses, which incentivises others to create successful businesses they can one day sell.
2461d · Marx
By buying equity in existing businesses, you enable those who came before you to cash out, justifying their earlier investment and providing incentive for others to start up new companies.
replied 2461d
2461d · How to Get Rich(without getting lucky)
"Be first, be smarter, or cheat [...] it sure is a hell of lot easier to just be first."
2461d · deutsche Community
Wenn sie eine 3-jährige BTC-Brieftasche haben, haben sie auch BCH! Hamburger sollten sie besuchen und in BCH bezahlen! (4/4)