
Joined Jul 09, 2018

Blockchain: One more step into evolution of mankind, amateur photographer, music and art lover, crypto enthusiast, In love with technology.

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2063d · Music
Marilyn Manson - The Fight Song 2000's hit
2063d · Music
Herida de Guerra - Konsumo Respeto - Anarchopunk from Spain
2064d · Bitcoin Cash
My logo for bitcoin cash T-shirt, what do you think?
2064d · Capitalism
We cant talk nothing about the government, maybe tomorrow I could be jailed for writing this, but I dont care because people has to know the true, SOCIALISM DOESNT WORK, face it
2064d · Capitalism
Socialism theory is just a DREAM, ITS NOT POSSIBLE, state corruption is one of the biggest obstacle, statizing everything in a country is not the best choice, my people suffers everyday.
2064d · Capitalism
If you really want to be against capitalism why dont you start living in a SOCIALIST SOCIETY, COME TO VENEZUELA, STAY AT MY HOME and see the REALITY with your own eyes
2064d · Capitalism
Soclalism in Venezuela suck balls, social help are disrispectful for the ones who pays their high taxes, hospitals are a horror movie, and the food they gave doesn't last for the month so...
2064d · Capitalism
Who wouldn't like to be rich? I live a shit life in Venezuela, a socialist country, why dont you move to Cuba? maybe you will be happier there than in the 1st world...
2064d · Money
I want to have money and have a wealth life like people in the US or Europe, I need money for that, but its so hard to make it with 10 USD per month as salary, I need to find a way out of this mess
2064d · Music
Los amigos invisibles, Latin funk from Venezuela
2064d · Bitcoin Cash
What If BCH community starts a mining project with me for helping people in here, maybe generating jobs, so that way we can incentive adoption, any idea?
2064d · Bitcoin Cash
I want to start mining BCH, but I'm poor, I need 1000 dollars to start this project, in my country electricity and internet are almost cheap, but its so difficult for me to raise funds
2079d · Life
Life is short, enjoy, work for living dont live for work, your problem is not that big as you think, USE YOUR MIND, do good.
2082d · Venezuela
Finally after 1 week i'm back again, I fixed my internet connection, damned MADURO!!!
2092d · Capitalism
They hate capitalism but they love their products, I'm sure lightrider likes McDonalds and Coca-cola
2093d · Capitalism
2 policemen and 300 protesters died, and more than 1000 prisoners, most of them young people, students with a future ahead, how can you support that? their only crime was thinking different,
2093d · Capitalism
Government kidnaps, jail and kill people that dont share their socialists toughts of peace and love, I've seen how thugs hired by government shot unarmed protestors in my neighborhood.
2093d · Capitalism
Ignorants are the ones who governs this country, just a bunch of inepts that dont know nothing about mathematics, dont be so rude with me, I'm just telling the truth I live in here.
2094d · Communism
When I was a teenager, I used to have leftist thought, its normal to have this kind of ideas when you're young and naive. My best friend stills been socialist, we always avoid to talk about it.
2094d · Capitalism
Socialism has made nothing here in Venezuela, just giving people free crumbs, private sector is destroyed, the only people who eats healthy are farmers, people in cities are starving to death
2094d · Capitalism
@Lightrider you can come to Venezuela an see what socialism has done in here... statism is the worst gorvernment, you probably live in the first world and you've never felt hunger in your life.
2094d · Fivebucks
I registered myself on Fivebucks, lets see if I find some work to do.
2094d · Venezuela
Look how communist fanatics from Nicolas Maduro shots against protestors in company of Police
2095d · Capitalism
“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Voltaire
2095d · Handcash wallet
Handcash wallet is the best way to make business with BCH, easy to understand for beginners, just sent your handle to your partner and send or receive CASH.