Every like+reply to this status gets 10000 satoshis.
Edge Closer is in the blockchain.
A dislike button may help manage spam.
Can't wait for tagging!
You can see the curvature from the CN Tower. Take a visit.
@EdgeCloser glad you like it :)
A dislike button may help manage spam.
Adding a dislike button might help manage spam.
You probably meant to end up here: www.reddit.com/r/btc
Cannabis will be legalized on July 1st in Canada!
Discussion pertaining to mining.
Bitcoin Cash IS Bitcoin!
Bitcoin News, by using BCH to troll, you strengthen BCH.
@EdgeCloser glad you like it :)
@memo You are killing it! This is so awesome.
If you would like to contribute please join the BCF discord.
We hope to reach many who don't mind going against the grain!
Marijuana may also be legalized that day in Canada.
July 1st is Canada Day
A truck promoting BCH will be driving around Toronto July 1st!
This is cool. Nice addition. :)
Just released Memo Topics - on-chain chat-like discussion
memo.cash has inspired me to learn how to code for the blockchain. Diving in.