How bad is Tether and that risk? How exposed is Bitcoin Cash? Where do we go from here?
I think it is pretty bad. We dont know how much dollars of BTC fiat worth is USD vs Tether. Once their insolvency is proven we will find out - i dont believe it affects BCH as much
Adam Back is trying to create a closed loop centralized network of people using LBTC instead of BTC so he can rake in the profits. Create problem (small blocks) and provide solution (Liquid). Sounds like banking.
Please Memoans, welcome @Leondavibe
A solid, strong voice for truth within the bitcoincash world.
hey just a normal guy, tha'ts still learning so i make dumb statements too at times , that's life you can only learn from mistakes if you make them, and someone points it out to you
Maybe after all the fork drama could be an option also? Like November 25th or something?
Yes, we can blast after fork too. I hope CTOR doesn’t hurt network. It deals with the third bottleneck in propagation. No idea why ABC pushing it so hard.
Bitmain used its BTC hash to mine tiny blocks during the stress test:
As far as computing time, it doesn't cost much more to mine a full block than an empty block. So what was Bitmain trying to prove?
Hello! We've just joined Memo, and it will be our main social media when our site goes live. The corruption of Twitter and Facebook is disgusting and we look forward to a decentralized, better future.
Liquid: Instead of holding all your funds in one corrupt and hack-prone exchange, a bunch of corrupt and hack-prone exchanges will link themselves together so
The Blockstream campaign worked by flooding people in a constant sea of irrelevancy. It's hard to see what's going on until they stop the propaganda machine and you're left in silence but then it's already too late.
Right. But what day-to-day usecases will The Average Joe have with such a database? What is its potential for BCH adoption?
It's just a easier way for developers to build on BCH without knowing everything about Bitcoin. That way we can make amazing platforms for you guys w/o reinventing the wheel ;) was build in just few days by a single person with basic JS knowledge. When people wake up to what bitdb is capable of, the BCH ecosystem will explode.
Explode you say ? But there are no explosives her... OH SHI-